When are your limbs scared .. ?? *
- Stomach *
It's scary when you don't have breakfast.
- Stomach *
- Kidneys * are frightened when you do not drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours.
- Address (Gall bladder) * Anxious when you don't sleep until 11pm and don't wake up before sunrise
- Small intestines * It hurts when you drink cold drinks and eat stale food.
- Large intestine * Frightened when eating fried or spicy food
- Lungs * * It hurts a lot when you breathe in an atmosphere polluted with smoke, dust and cigarettes.
- Liver * is frightened when you eat heavy fried food and fast food.
- Heart * It hurts a lot when you eat a high-salt and high-cholesterol diet
Pancreas Pancreas is very scary when you eat a lot of sweets and especially when it is available for free.
10 * Eyes * get tired when working in the dark in their bright light on mobile and computer.
- Brain * is very sad when you think negative.
Take care of your body parts and don't scare them.
- Remember these organs are not available in the market.
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