CLUB75 | THE DIARY GAME 29.04.2022 | This is a date to remember : Omar had a haircut after 9 months!!!

in hive-153018 •  2 years ago 

I am not was back in June/July 2021 that my son had his last haircut!!!

We have tried bringing him to different hair salons but he always cries and shouts loudly making it impossible to have a haircut!!!

In the end, we just let him stay like that...with his long curly hair!

Finally sister got hold of him!!!

As we will celebrate Eid in couple of days, we wanted him to look clean and well combed...I lost hope after failing to make him cut his hair on Saturday at a nearby salon...

But today, my sister got hold of him and cut his hair herself...only she knows how she managed to do it!!!

Below is his photo after the haircut today...he is enjoying a nice ice cream btw!!!


Check out how his hair was before the haircut...


And now...he looks sooo refreshed!!


Iftaar Table number 26!

Apart from my son's hair cut, today was our 26th day fasting for the month of Ramadan and for breaking our fast we organized a small iftaar table where our main dish was *fish biryani cooked by my eldest sister!


Super Delicious Fish Biryani!!!

Topped with some fresh cucumber and carrots salad, it was simply yummy!


Some Donuts and fried snacks

We did not put out a lot, as we are into the last days of Ramadan and also the fish biryani was quite a consistent dish to have!

In the middle you will see some peeled pineapples in chili was for my wife and mom, I did not eat it being scared for the spicyness!


Samosas / Spring Rolls / Halfmoon / Cutlets as fried snacks!

As usual enjoyed with some chutneys and chili sauces!


Mini Donuts for Rheem mainly!

Omar was not too interested in the Donuts, he was mainly looking for Ice Cream whole day!


Here you are for the highlights of my Friday here in paradise island!

I hope you had a great one too!

Thanks for reading and wish you a pleasant day/evening ahead!
Happy weekend ahead!


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