CONTEST CLOSED - 200 STEEM ( PromoSteem In CoffeeShop ) For 10 Winner

in hive-153176 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Indonesian Language HERE

Today, a big contest is here for those of you who like to take part in contests, this contest aims to promote steem and also help the STEEMCOFFEE project, you can think of this as a campaign to support the steemcoffee project by participating in the contest and also sharing the beneficiary with steemcoffee as a form of support for steemcoffee.

200 STEEM, this is the total prize that I provide to you, with 200 steem, I will choose the 10 best winners from the participants of this contest.

What Contest Is ?

This is a contest about your activities in promoting steemit at the coffee shop, while enjoying coffee, you can also chat with your friends or other people and explain about steem to them, successfully getting them to join steemit so that's even better

Example post

Rules & Terms

  1. Clearly understand the example of the post above, it is an example of promosteem activity in a coffee shop
  2. Do your own activities to promote at the coffee shop
  3. Create your own post well and full of information about your promotion
  4. Posting your post in PromoSteem Page - PromoSteem
  5. Your post title must be (PromoSteem in CoffeeShop - @yourusername - 50% Payout to @steemcoffeeshop)
  6. Share payout for steemcoffee project with 50% to @steemcoffeeshop
  7. Use these 5 special #tags ( #steemcoffee50pc #contest #promo-steem #steemexclusive #steemcoffee )

How To Register In This Contest ?

  1. Tag 3 of your friends in the comments
  2. Put your post link in the comments column of this post
  3. Not following the 7 rules above, your entry will not be counted

Everyone who registers and puts your contest post in the comments will get 1 steem prize

Why Payout 50% ?

To make this project successful, I took the initiative to run this contest, so that many people will know and be able to help this project by dividing the payout, because this is also part of the SteemCoffeeShop Crowdfunding Program.



  • Winner 1 - 10 = 20 #steem prize ( 200 Total Steem )
  • Each Participant = 1 #steem prize


  • Successfully invited new people to join Steemit
  • Post neatness as well as informative

Contest Closed In

The contest started from the time this post was published and will be closed on MAY 31 - 2021

Let's Get Started, Contest Is Open

Thanks to : @steemcurator01, @stephenkendal, @pennsif

discord link.png
PromoSteem Discord

Author : @arie.steem
Contact Discord : arie.steem#4626
Twitter :


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terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi

terima kasih banyak sudah berpartisipasi

thanks for participation

thank you @arie.steem, it was a great contest

thanks for participation

It’s a pleasure sir @arie.steem

tolong bisa mention 3 teman lain bg di komen, supaya memenuhi syarat ikut contest

OK siap. Tag nya di komentar postingan ini kan.

what happened friend...

terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi

Lagee give away bak instagram ago. Payah mention 3 dro ureueng.

Hahaha... Asli..

biar agak semarak dikit bg, hahahaha

Yoi....makin rame, makin asik, ya kan @arie.steem

terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi bg

Sama-sama karena sudah di resteem🙏😁

terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi

terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi

Iya bg sama sama mohon bimbingannya 🙏😊

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

terima kasih partisipasinya bg

Sama sama bang @arie.steem

terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi bg

terima kasih partisipasinya

Sama-sama adoen 🙏

Hi, I would love to participate in this contest,but there's no coffee shop around my area,must it be a coffee shop?

so sad to hear that bro. its already in rule,
i cant change the rules and topic
its must be in coffeeshop

Ok,it's cool, thanks

This contest will be interesting as usual. @Abu78, @masachussettes and @rubilu123

Wow nice contest to promote steem

Hi @arie.steem. I like the contest you made.

you can start to register and tag 3 of your friend on steemit

Excelente concurso trataré de unirme. Invito a @decuartae @astilem @yrmaleza

Hola gracias por la invitación ya leo.

Amiga @graceleon muchas gracias por l a invitación me parece fabulosa esta idea.

Aprovecho para invitar a @danielysmusic @naka05 @mini80 a que se unan y participen.

Muchas gracias por la invitación @decuartae ya chequearé para ver de qué trata. Invito a @aularLuis @rankari6

Si amiga. Yo estoy complicada porq estamos en cuarentena estricta aquí en Argentina porque hay demasiado covid y no se puede salir ni hablar con nadie. Pero si tu puedes házlo amiga. Te deseo éxitos

Hola yo invito a @mariaale14, @albaandreina y @zhanavic69

Hice la invitación por mi Twitter.


Aceptada ☕

Amiga por lo que he visto este concurso te va estupendamente, éxitos para ti.

@bonbons, @only.home dan @jun.imaginer..
Menarik ini, yuk kita ramaikan...

Menang bukan tujuan utama, partisipasi kita untuk semangat bersama.

Rencana ada wak.. Karena tiap2 hari ngopi selalu pembahasan steemit. Sampe pelayan kede kopi a pun daftar. Cuma gk kita abadikan aja wak. Kayak a payah kita stel ni😁


terima kasih sudah berpartisipasi

Iya sama2 aduen

No coffee shop in my area

Me sumare a esta iniciativa y aprovecho de invitar a @sysseneg , @alexandracruz y @oneldoors

Gracias por la invitación @jesuskin🤗

Interesante. Gracias Jesús!

Come on join this contes @el-fajri @naufal @maknaliterasi

Bareng kito stdz @goresanpenaanfal

MasyaAllah.. mantap bana nah e nyo stadz.. Bismillah..

whether contest posts are written in English? Or Indonesia? 😬

any language.... 😄

Siiip. Ini Jawaban yang diinginkan 😁

Thanks for always working for this community @arie.steem

This is a very great contest sir
Can’t wait to partake in this
Kudos 🙏🏼🙏🏼

you can start to register and tag 3 of your friend on steemit

This is awesome

@fadlymatch @irwandi bang @zainalbakri, ini menarik kontes ini.

Congrats guys

I think this is very interesting to follow

Saya akan coba bro @darmawanbuchari sekaligus berkenalan dengan @arie.steem sang penggagas. moon saran cara jadi member #promosteem apakah harus membuat photo perkenalan dulu

tidak perlu pak, team kami biasanya akan memeriksa profil semua user. selama punya status member di komunitas lain. maka tidak akan ada masalah

Nah sudah jelas kan pak @irwandi. Ajak terus teman-temannya gabung steemit.

Ya pak

terima kasih infonya

haduh,,, udah di tutup , telat 1 jam ikut kontestnya