in hive-153264 •  5 years ago 


Growing up, I had always believed that relationships and marriages are meant to be forever between spouse. But today the reverse is the case.
The growing rate of heartbreaks among spouse and divorce in marriages cannot be overemphasized. It is rare to see a man or woman who has not undergone heartbreak. And this is really giving me a deep thought.

Then my question is...

  • How can we prevent heartbreaks and divorce.?

  • Is it not possible to have a fight/quarrel free relationship.?

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If you truly love someone, then your love will be without conditions, without limitations and without need.

Without condition - love requires nothing to be expressed and will ask nothing in return. Even if the other offends you, you will not withdraw your love in retaliation.

Without limitation - love does not impose any limitation on the other. It persists despite what the other does. It goes on forever without any boundary.

Without need - love does not take anything from the other not freely given. It withholds nothing the other doesn't wish to be held. It never gives anything to the other which other does not joyously welcomes.

If you can truly love, then heartbreaks and divorces will be minimal and even when they do occasionally occur, you will not lament over it. yeah if you are in love there is not meant to be hurts, but it baffles me that couples in love will still hurt each other and all that.