Thanks so much @ask.steem for your appropriate query on the post !
But permit me to state these fundamentals.
I am not a certified legal person , so I may not know the nitty gritty of what the law books states in reference to the post .
If there are RIGID specifications in law books , there wouldn't be the use prosecution and defence attorneys disputing same in the courts of law .They do because the specifics are subject to diverse interpretations , depending on perspectives !
Some folks speaks out of fun , knowing that no implication is in the horizon. This is why Law enforcement Offices , during arrests usually tells the accused of the implication of their utterances as it can be used against them. Hence they are requested to remain mute if they so desire until necessary in the courts .
I therefore submit that my post may not be open ended to some , but it may be so to few !
Thanks very much for your good interest in my posts .
Bests Regards !