Why are Medical Doctors dying earlier than Others ??

in hive-153264 •  4 years ago 

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A study conducted by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) has concluded that doctors, who help patients stay fit, are dying younger as they themselves do not follow the instructions. The study conducted in Maharashtra found that majority of them die due to cardiovascular diseases and early malignancy.11 Jul 2018

Why are they dying earlier than all others in the society ??

Is it not expected that they should live longer considering their specialised expertise in medications??

What could be responsible for this anathema ??

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I think exposure to various types of diseases, bacteria and viruses
Whatever protection is the main reason
this addition to Stress which is killer


Most of them expend themselves taking care of others to their own negligence.
Many of them too suffer from traumatic experiences due to the situations they handle daily and these have negative impacts on their health leading to depreciation and hence early death plus the risk of disease exposure.

Very axact. Can we assign the topic as a PhD Thesis ??🤣