The human mind consist of the soul. Everything we do, say, thought of, are all from our soul. That is why the bible says that the soul that sinneth shall die. (Ezekiel 18: 20).
The human mind is an initiator, inventor, a processor, etc. The human mind is not a storage device and should not be used to store information. Just like a computer , if used to store too much information , it process very slowly . To avoid this, information are stored in external device even though it’s has the capacity to store .
When the human mind is used to store much information, it can no longer initiate well, invent well, process well, and even think well. The human brain should be used for storage as the mind is a problem solver. Storing information in the mind lead to habit.
Habits are automatic behavior that starts by learning. For example, learning how to drive and later get perfect driving (habit). It is not all habit that starts from learning. For example, swallowing, breathing, etc. Habit is an action that is done repeatedly and becomes automatic.
Habit can be good or bad. Habit is said to be good, if the reward from the habit is far better when compared with the bad reward. If the bad reward out weight the good reward, it is a bad habit.
However, weather good or bad habits , habit is very important because it help us to think of other things as the first once learnt becomes automatic.
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