My Knowledge About Solar

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 

Greetings great steemians, I believe everyone of us are doing wonderfully great today?
I have actually missed writing though, putting words together to produce sentences has always been one of my interesting part of life. Today I am glad to take part in this contest organised by @ubongudofot and with the purpose/ aim of this contest, I will share my knowledge about solar with every steemians here. Now, let's get to read and learn more about solar energy while I share my knowledge below.

Understanding Solar Energy

In a simple definition, solar energy is any kind of energy that is being produced by the sun. In other word, solar energy is a bright shinny light (energy) that comes/ gives out from the sun. This energy is natural and it can be converted into another form of energy like; the electrical energy or the thermal energy. After the energy is being converted, it can be used as source of food and also generate electricity.

  • The most important part of solar energy is that; it is affordable, renewable (as long as there is sunlight), and unflagging form of energy.

  • Solar energy is also useful for plants and some organisms (algae and bacteria), they have the ability to produce their own food by converting this sunlight energy into chemical energy through the process called photosynthesis.

  • Another way in which solar energy has been beneficial to man is through electrical energy. This way, solar energy is turned into electrical energy via photovoltaic (PV) panels. The energy then generate electricity directly and can also be stored in batteries (solar cells).


After getting to know what solar energy is all about and various ways in which the energy from the sun can be used. I will briefly discuss on the benefits of installing solar power in a community and the benefits to my country at large.

Benefits of Installing Solar Power

Looking at the benefits of installing solar power, anything that comes naturally also comes with a lot of benefits.


The following are some benefits of installing solar power;

  • Since solar energy is capable of being reached as long as there is ray of sunshine, the source of energy can still be renewable with low maintenance cost of the solar systems.

  • Another benefit of solar power is the reduction in electricity bills especially with those using prepared metres in their homes.

  • Solar power can get you connected without the fear of power blackout, most Nigerians can attest to it.😂

  • In general, solar power contributes to a better environment in terms of being extremely clean. With solar power, our communities/ country will be free from noise pollution, water pollution, air pollution and other harmful emissions that are produced during generation of electricity.

Have You Used Full Solar Energy Before?

Yes, with the few times I have used solar energy, I can easily share my little experience. But since it wasn't installed in my home, I won't really have much to say about the positive and negative experience. My first experience was the peace I got when using solar power, no unnecessary noise unlike when one is using generator. Which is one of the reason that will make me to consider getting solar panel someday. I enjoy peaceful environment while reading, writing or sleeping.

For the negative aspect/ experience, solar power is weather dependent. Since the solar panels get energy from sunlight, during raining seasons/days the efficiency of the solar system will reduce because there is no sunlight to give out energy and even at night no solar energy can be collected too.


I have been able to share my knowledge and little experience about solar energy with you all. I hope we learn one or two things from my article. Thank you!

Dear friends; @wase1234, @kyrie1234 and @yakspeace please do well to join the contest and also share your idea about solar energy.

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Almost everything about solar energy in one post
The only time I've used solar is when I was a boarding school
That was the recommended type of torch
I love your writing
Good luck in the contest!

Thank you so much dearie for reading.🤗
Hope to read from you too.

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Hello @adylinah thank you for taking part in the solar knowledge Contest. And it was great reading about your knowledge about solar energy. And here you are talking like an you have a relative who is one...?

Thank you for taking time to read my article and also giving a detailed review.

And here you are talking like an you have a relative who is one...?

No, I don't. Everything I wrote here are the ideas gotten from physics and biology class some years ago.😄
Besides, I got to know more about solar from your previous articles too.

Hello @adylinah, thank you for supporting the solar project in Nigeria, we appreciate your kind gestures.

Most welcome!😊
I will try my best to keep supporting the project.