lamb curry is one of the delicious dishes to enjoy, it has a delicious taste and is often made as the main menu when there is a celebration or something like that. there is also a rice stall with a special side dish of goat curry.
lamb curry is one of the special dishes of beulangeung sauce that is cooked after first mixing the spices evenly first with a little water, then it is cooked directly without having to saute the stir-fry spices first with cooking oil, however. some also use stir-fried spices such as shallots with frying oil, however. this time we did not use frying oil.
as for that, the cooking process is very simple, the lamb that has been cleaned after cutting into small pieces, the meat, bones, and contents are combined and then pour the spices that have been prepared around 2 kg of spices that have been ground such as red chili, ground coconut, and other spices, stir until evenly mixed using plain water.
after it boils and the meat begins to cook, pour in enough coconut milk, don't forget to add temuru leaves as a fragrance. Wait until cooked before serving to the guests present.
saat ini kami menggunakan dedak kayu sebagai bahan utama untuk memasak saat acara berlangsung yang banyak membutuhkan masakan, drum karbit atau drum minyak mengubah kegunaan nya sebagai dapur, dedak kayu yang kita ambil di ketam kayu, cukup beberapa karung saja sehingga sangat mudah untuk memasak.cepat dan santai.
banyak kelebihan nya menggunakan dedak kayu sebagai sumber utama untuk memasak, tidak panas kita berada di samping, cepat masak, apinya menyala tepat sasaran.tidak banyak membutuhkan kayu bakar.
tuangkan dedak kayu ke dalam drum yang sudah di siapkan, jangan lupa masukkan batang pisang atau kayu bulat di tengahnya, lalu tumbuk atau menginjaknya agar dedak kayu tersebut padat dan tari batang pisang secara perlahan agar tidak runtuh.
ini lah postingan saya hari ini, terima kasih kepada @irawandedy, @el-nailul, @heriadi, @klen.civil, @miftahuddin @sofian88 dan sahabat yang lain atas dukungan nya yang tidak.saya sebutkan satu persatu.
greetings from @amre