good luck with your activities for all steemians friends...
goats are one of the animals that are often used as hakiqah animals by someone for their children or vows, besides the price is cheap because it is smaller than cows which require a larger budget, what's more the activities we carry out or only invite a few people, so with one goat is enough according to the invitation we invite.
the cooking process is also very easy with the characteristic of goat curry sauce, or beulangeng sauce, after the slaughtering process and cleaning the skin then we cut it into small pieces according to our wishes, then separate the fat and meat before mixing the spices that we have prepared.
stir evenly the clean goat meat except for the fat we still separate because the fat cooks faster than the meat. Without having to use cooking oil to fry the spices, we just mix everything when stirring with the spices that we have prepared earlier, then start cooking with the addition of a little plain water to avoid a dry taste.
after a while cooked then pour the coconut milk that has been squeezed from about 4 coconuts, stir occasionally to avoid crust when almost cooked then add the fat that we separated earlier before we put in the curry that we have prepared, it can be pumpkin curry, banana stem or even jackfruit that is still in its bud.
the delicious and tasty taste so that many people like it, so that there are also those who become mainstay dishes that are sold on the side of the road with the characteristic of goat curry rice, which is the mainstay menu, but we must also be vigilant because it is very easy to increase our high blood pressure, usually in stalls or places of celebration, cucumber water is provided which is wrapped to stabilize high blood pressure after consuming goat meat broth.
this is a glimpse of the typical goat meat broth dish that we can easily get at roadside rice stalls. thank you to all my friends for your support for me.
indonesia, March 4, 2025
greetings @amre