Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W4: The Role of the Various Genders by @awais5

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Virtual Greetings!

Steemian Buddies! Hopefully! That all of you my friends are doing very well and having a blessed day. I am very pleased to participate in another unique Engagement Challenge which is organized by the @steembetterlife for the 4th week of season 3.

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Various Genders!

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Gender is very important for the balanced functioning of human life in the world. This is a natural differentiation involving no human choice. It is just as if a person is born against his will in any part of the world in a house of black or white, rich or poor, similarly there is no will involved for gender. Our lifestyle depends a lot on which gender we belong to. Different societies of the world treat different genders differently due to their traditions, values, etc. There are also many societies where there is a lot of discrimination between genders and one gender is given a lot of priority over the other. It is very important for us to transcend gender distinctions and treat all humans as human beings.

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Does gender play a role in our everyday life?

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Gender and Everyday Life investigates orientation as an approach to considering ladies and men to be natural creatures, yet individuals molded by their regular social world. Looking at how orientation has been perceived and lived before; and the way things are perceived and done any other way by various societies and gatherings inside a culture. Gender is very important in our daily life, our way of life, and society's attitude towards us all depends on our gender. The ancient traditions and values established in the society have defined the role of gender, but the coming generations are following it from generation to generation.

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How does the role or function in your country differ from gender to gender?

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If I talk about 1/2 decade ago, in my society the male gender was very important and other genders were given little space in society just because of their specific role. Other genders did not make much effort to get their rights and they used to be satisfied with the same respect and honor. But now in modern times, it is becoming very difficult to distort the rights of any gender in any society. Due to more awareness due to social media and related NGOs, other genders have started getting their rights. Different genders have different roles and functions in my society which are explained below.


In my society, the male gender is considered the head of the family due to which many responsibilities fall on him. In society, all his responsibilities are considered from being a statesman of his family to taking care of the family. He also deals with all the important decisions related to the family, means of livelihood, and reconciliation with other families. This gender also plays a very important role in providing a good lifestyle to their children. If anyone is considered a mountain of courage in our society, it is very much this gender

The female gender is very important in my society due to Islamic values. The responsibilities and important roles of this gender include good upbringing of children as well as upholding the family's domestic values. In my society, this gender is taken for granted. If a person's morals are judged somewhere, the upbringing given by his mother is also questioned. While the male gender seems to be concerned about the means of livelihood outside the home, the female gender also fully supports him and works on small skills such as sewing clothes, home tuition, and many other skills that they also use to support the head of her household financially.
They are dancing in a private party!

I am sorry to say that this gender has not yet gained as much importance in my society as it should have. This gender has always been negatively portrayed in society due to its specific role. In our society, this gender has to choose a field like dance to earn their livelihood and because of the Islamic society, this type of livelihood is not valued. They are also severely restricted in other social activities. It is very sad to say that this gender is not considered equal to other genders. They are forced to earn their livelihood by going to people's houses and dancing at other private functions.

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Is it the same for other countries?

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Other countries have different attitudes towards these gender roles and functions due to their traditional values. There are many countries where the responsibility is not placed on the male gender in the family, that he is the only one responsible for earning livelihood for his family. There, the woman is also considered an equal partner in earning the livelihood of the family. In other countries, the female gender has full freedom to take decisions related to her but in my country, this is not the case where personal decisions of the female gender are linked with the honor of the family. If we talk about the third gender, which is transgender, its role is also different from my country in other countries, where it has equal rights compared to other genders. There they are involved in other good sources of livelihood whereas in my country most transgender is involved in professions like a dance. They earn their livelihood by going to people's houses and dancing at other private functions.

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What about Steemit?

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One of the many qualities of this platform that I have noticed is that no gender is given priority over any other gender. If anyone has any advantage here, it is his great performance behind it. I would like to quote this here with great pride, in a society like my country Pakistan, where the female gender is given less importance than the male gender, there is also a woman @event-horizon representing my country on this platform. According to me, this quality makes this platform stand out from the rest. Good talent and good skills are the priority here, not what gender you belong to. Here, I have not come across any task, topic, etc. that has been reserved for any one gender. Here we have always seen a preference for material that can be easily performed by all genders.

That's it my friends hopping that i have explained well in my post about said topic with letter and spirit!

I am also going to invite my three friends @numanfarooq @numanbhutta and @adnanyasin for this amazing engagement challenge.



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Impressive write up brother from your side. You have explained the genders equality in a well-desciplined manner and you way of presenting the post is also great.

Gender is very important in our daily life, our way of life, and society's attitude towards us all depends on our gender.

Yes brother, you are very right that both of the genders are responsible for the establishment of a successful world. We can never neglect the importance of any of them.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us and wishing you a very good luck 🤞.

Thank you @steemdoctor1 for your productive views for my post.

Hola awais5 las costumbres y tradiciones de cada país son diferente así como el trato que se le da a los diferentes géneros, sin embargo en muchas cultura existe el machismo, y lo que la mujer diga no tiene valor

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Absolutely @yenny47 my friend I agree with you and am also tried to explain my society as well.

Nice write up and nice presentation. You have really take your time and explain everything nice and all your sentences are self explanatory.
Once again thanks you really did well. I wish you luck in the contest.

Thanks my friend for visiting here!

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➜ You’ve written how gender plays a role in our everyday life.
➜ You’ve written how the role or function in your country differ from gender to gender.
➜ You have compared your country with other countries.
➜ You have discussed Steemit and gender.
”Gender is very important for the balanced functioning of human life” This is so true. Well done! You have written a great post! It is also the first post that I’ve read which touched on transgender.
Kindly increase your CSI voting % by voting on the posts of fellow Steemians.

Thanks for evaluation.... Your remarks are just remarkable for me... I have voted others and doing further also

Whoop whoop! Thank you!
Keep writing ✍️

Espero que la igualdad de los distintos géneros continúe avanzando en su país hasta que se llegue a la eliminación de la discriminación. En el mundo actual, tal como usted acota, las redes sociales, la dinámica comunicacional, ayuda mucho para que se superen estas diferencias. Éxitos. Saludos...

Thank you so much for reading my post carefully and getting to the bottom of it