Show your Favorite Sports Activities: Go to the Gym for Health and Ideal Body Shape, Yoga for Peace of Mind and Flexibility |

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Exercising the abdominal muscles.

My favorite sport is actually football. I once dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player but failed. In fact, I often dream of becoming a soccer player who brought Indonesia to become the World Cup champion.

Now, I still often play football and futsal, although only for fun and health, not for achievement. Early last month, I took part in an executive tournament and was still able to play 2 x 45 minutes despite losing 1-3 to my opponent.

I go to the gym relatively regularly, although lately, I have started to rarely go to the gym because of my busy schedule. Finally, sometimes I don't exercise for several weeks. The body feels uncomfortable and the weight has increased to 83 Kg as it is now.

Usually, I go to the gym on Sunday mornings after running around the Lhokseumawe Reservoir, like two weeks ago. I was only able to run one lap of the Lhokseumawe Reservoir or 3.8 kilometers. After that, I stopped at the Maestro Gym on Jalan Gudang, Lhokseumawe. Besides here, I practice fitness at Bonex. However, recently I noticed that Bonex Gym is closed more often on Sunday mornings.

I want to be able to work out once a week to maintain my health and have an ideal body. When I was in the gym, I formed my stomach to get a six-pack and so far it has always failed due to a lack of discipline in maintaining my diet, especially when there are assignments outside the area. When on duty outside the area, various types of food are available. Although not one of those who like to eat, I tasted a lot of food and lacked exercise outside the area.

Besides the stomach, another body part that I often a train is the wings to develop more like a cobra. Then the legs and thighs to train kick strength when playing soccer.

Journalists Pase FC vs Lido Graha Hotel.

I also enjoy pull-ups, push-ups, and taking the L-Site position on the bar. In essence, I train all the muscles in my body to have an ideal body. I want to lose fat on the side of the stomach, but it's not enough just to go to the gym, there must be sports that burn fat such as running and maintaining a healthy diet. I avoid heavy meals at night. As a friend advises; breakfast is the king, lunch is the queen, and dinner is entertainment. So important is breakfast that it is in the same position as a single person!

After participating in the Borobudur Writer and Cultural Festival (BWCF) in 2018 and 2019, I started to like yoga. While participating in these literary and cultural activities, I received free yoga training from Mas Yudhi Widyantoro along with other participants. In fact, usually, you have to pay a lot if you are trained by Mas Yudhi.

Now I like yoga to keep my soul in balance, love myself more, nature, other humans, and all living things. I don't have a special trainer, I just follow the moves I've been taught before and watch YouTube or Instagram shows.

I hope that BWCF will be held again after two years of absence offline due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And I wish there was yoga training like there used to be.[]

Melatih sayap agar bisa terbang seperti burung, lol.

Ratna Ayu Budiarthi adalah seorang pelatih yoga, selain seorang penyair.

Show Your Favorite Sports Activities - Sport Name: Ke Gym untuk Kesehatan dan Bentuk Tubuh Ideal, Yoga untuk Ketenangan Jiwa dan Kelenturan

Olah raga favorit saya sebenarnya sepak bola. Saya pernah bercita-cita menjadi pemain sepak bola profesional, tapi gagal. Padahal, saya sering bermimpi menjadi pemain bola yang membawa Indonesia menjadi juara Wold Cup.

Kini, saya masih sering bermain bola dan futsal, meski hanya untuk kesenangan dan kesehatan saja, bukan untuk prestasi. Awal bulan lalu, saya ikut turnamen eksekutif dan masih mampu bermain 2 x 45 menit meski kalah 1-3 dari lawan.

Ke gym saya relatif rutin meski belakangan mulai agak jarang karena kesibukan. Akhirnya, terkadang saya tidak berolahraga sampai beberapa pekan. Badan terasa tidak nyaman dan berat badan naik sampai 83 Kg seperti sekarang.

Biasanya, saya ke gym pada Minggu pagi setelah lari mengelilingi Waduk Lhokseumawe, seperti dua pekan lalu. Saya hanya sanggup berlari satut putaran Waduk Lhokseumawe atau 3,8 kilo meter. Setelah itu, saya balik singgah ke Maestro Gym di Jalan Gudang, Lhokseumawe. Selain di sini, saya berlatih fitness di Bonex. Namun, belakangan saya melihat Bonex Gym lebih sering tutup pada Minggu pagi.

Saya inginnya bisa workouts sekali seminggu saja untuk menjaga kesehatan dan memiliki tubuh ideal. Ketika di gym, saya membentuk perut agar sixpack dan sejauh ini selalu gagal karena kurang disiplin menjaga pola makan, terutama ketika ada tugas luar daerah. Ketika sedang bertugas di luar daerah, berbagai jenis makanan tersedia. Meski tidak termasuk orang yang suka makan, saya mencicipi banyak makanan dan kurang olah raga di luar daerah.

Memegang HP saat nge-gym adalah musuh utama.

Selain perut, bagian tubuh lain yang sering saya latih adalah sayap agar lebih berkembang seperti ular kobra. Kemudian kaki dan paha untuk melatih kekuatan tendanga ketika bermain sepak bola.

Saya juga senang dengan pull up, push up, dan mengambil posisi L-Site di palang besi. Intinya, saya melatih semua otot di tubuh agar memiliki tubuh ideal. Saya ingin merontokkan lemak di bagian perut samping, tapi itu tidak cukup dengan gym saja, harus ada olah raga yang membakar lemak seperti berlari serta menjaga pola makan. Saya menghindari makanan berat pada malam hari. Seperti nasihat seorang kawan; breakfast is the king, lunch is the queen, and dinner is entertaint. Begitu pentingnya sarapan sehingga posisinya sama seperti seorang saja!

Setelah mengikuti Borobudur Writer and Cultural Festival (BWCF) pada 2018 dan 2019, saya mulai suka dengan yoga. Selama mengikuti kegiatan sastra dan budaya tersebut, saya mendapatkan pelatihan yoga dari Mas Yudhi Widyantoro bersama peserta lain secara gratis. Padahal, biasanya harus membayar mahal jika dilatih Mas Yudhi.

Yoga kini saya sukai untuk menjaga keseimbangan jiwa, lebih mencintai diri sendiri, alam, manusia lain, dan seluruh makhluk hidup. Saya tidak memiliki pelatih khusus, hanya mengikuti saja gerakan yang pernah diajari dulu serta melihat tayangan Youtube atau di Instagram.

Saya berharap BWCF digelar lagi setelah dua tahun absen secara luring karena pandemi Covid-19. Dan saya berharap ada pelatihan yoga seperti dulu.[]

Saya bersama Mas Yudhi, Mas Kurnia Effendi, dan Ratna Ayu Budiarthi, setelah berlatih yoga di kaki candi Borobudur.

Untuk kekuatan tangan.

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Is very interesting to know that you are very good in football and other sports like pull ups.but somtimes food dont allow you to get your desired fit.hahahaa.We are in the same boat.I like food as well that sometimes I forget am suppose to be fit.

To be healthy and continue to have an ideal body in the midst of a growing age and the temptations of food around it, is indeed very difficult. But it's not impossible. A lot of people have succeeded, and hopefully, we have too. Let's live a healthy life with exercise discipline, maintain a healthy diet, maintain a lifestyle, and stay away from alcohol and drugs.


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