(Ekpang Nkukwø).:
Ekpang Nkukwø recipe is a delicacy well-known in ibibio land. As a nutritious recipe it is prepared from water yam (Abre), cocoyam(Afia Ikpøng) and cocoyam fresh leaf (Nkukwø).
In my state (Akwa Ibom), water yam porridge is best known as good food given to a nursing mother that just put to birth (Eka Uman), because of its nutritional value. Ekpang Nkukwø is also known in Akwa Ibom land as Udia Ibenge during traditional marriage ceremony. And it is among the food that is presented to the in-laws telling them that their daughter they want to take for marriage can cook it very well.
Water yam (Abre)
Cocoyam (Afia Ikpøng)
Cocoyam fresh leaf (Nkukwø)
Bonga fish (Ikpaih)
Crayfish (Obu)
Palm Oil
Seasoning cube (maggi any type of your choice)
First of all, you have to peel your cocoyam, also peel your water yam and wash it very well to avoid sand.
Then use your creater or blender to blend your cocoyam and water yam together, then mix it very well till the two of it mixed together.
Then slice your cocoyam fresh leaf into a considerate size, then wash it also to avoid dirt and sand.
Now you prepare all the aforementioned Ingredients and steam it for 10-20 minutes so that you can get all taste of the ingredients.
Now put palm oil your cooking pot. This is to prevent your delicious meal from getting burnt.
Use your sliced cocoyam fresh leaf(Nkukwø )to rap your mixed blended cocoyam and water yam in your desired sizes.
When you finish rapping it pour your steamed ingredients into it and put it on fire and cook it for 20-30 minutes. When it is done if the sizes are too much you use knife to slice it to smaller sizes then put your palm oil again to make it so yummy. Wahooooo your desired cocoyam porridge (Ekpang Nkukwø) is ready to serve .
It is rich in carbohydrate.
It is rich in protein.
Also rich in vitamin A and C.
It is rich in fiber.
And also rich in calcium .
It is recommended that people with diabetic problem can eat , because it is digested and absorb by the body and it does not trigger blood sugar level.
It doesn't contain cholesterol
It digest fast
So my friends I think that food that have all these nutritional value is worth eating. Please try it and leave your comments in the comment section.
Thanks for reading.