Weekly Reflections #26: A Fresh Start - What Will You Do Differently in 2025?

in hive-153970 •  2 months ago 

Hi @damithudaya. I'm glad to participate in this weekly contest.

I used the contest image

What’s one thing you learned last year that you are proud of?

I learnt how to hear from God more. This had been my little struggle ever since I met Him. I could pray little. Speak little. Preach little. But when it comes to seeing him more, there was a breakdown. And I wandered what must've led to my inability to see God.

It was in a bright trance. I met him as He was so handsome. Crowns on His head and the 24-Elders around him, praising and adoring Him. I could hear His voice dropping so heavily from the brighten region. I felt the Mercy. I felt the Love. I felt His presence. Indeed, it's worth life-changing.

What key area of your life do you want to change or improve this year?

I discover that I'm not doing well academically. I just want to improve my approach of studying, which has always been difficult for me. Mostly, whenever I'm fixed to study, that's the time I experience sleep-in-the-eye. So, I decided, that this year, part of the move I'm gonna make is to improve my study ability.

And this would be easily implemented following this schedule:

8:00am - 9:00am, 12:00pm - 1:00pm, 4:00pm - 5:00pmMCB 313ENG 300MCB 313 Review
MCB 303MCB 333Both Review

Are there any habits or skills you plan to develop in the new year?

Procrastination. I want to nullify this habits. It has been draining my study habits. If I can successfully pull this off, then victory is sure.

Describe your vision and plan to achieve at the end of this year

At the end of this year, I want to achieve the following draft out plans:

1Study one hour each for Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
2Ejects Procrastination out of my plans
3Serve God with all my hearts
4Raise 200 million naira from my business.

Like my Pastor said that this year 2025 would be a year of Divine jackpot. I received it. Truly, Financially, this is my year of Financial jackpot.

I give 25% beneficiary to @null account

I invite @deetalka6, @bossj23 and @patjewell to participate.

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My dear young people make this an habit—procastination—a destroyer of destinies. Procrastination is a destroyer of destinies. Thank God it's part of your 2025 plan to get it out of your life. I know you will succeed. I wish you the very best

Your first two sentences say exactly the same. It doesn't make it a good comment. You have nothing more personal to share?

@ wakeupkitty



It is not allowed to tag @ null!
It's also wise to not tag people who are no longet active. They are no friends of yours you don't know about the whereabouts?

@ wakeupkitty

Apology rendered

Happy New Year friend! It's wonderful to read about your spiritual journey, and what you have planned academically for the new year. If you can adapt to your schedule and maintain it you will probably have great results at the end!

Good Luck with everything!
