A Mistake I Made and What I Have Learned

in hive-153970 •  last year 
Hello to my esteemeable steemians all over the world! Hope you are all doing well today. My indebtedness to every one here taking time to read my contribution to this interesting contest by @goodybest. Your (@goodybest) choice of topics is very amazing. To me your topics are very educative.

How do you view mistakes?


I don't know the way others may view it, but in my own opinion people that have developed mindset seems to view mistakes differently. I choose to have a positive view as regarding to mistakes. My perspectives to mistake is very different oooo; mistake to me is valuable not as something negative. I am not embarrassed by it, but rather take time to learn from them.

I may not belong to your particular school of thought. But listen to me mistakes are valuables that has the capability of shaping us, we are not by any means to be afraid of making mistakes. We shouldn't give up when we make mistakes, it is not a sign that we lack potentials; sometimes I think they are bound to happen. I am not saying one should make them deliberately, as a matter of fact any deliberate act is never viewed as mistake but rather intentional act.

People by some reasons have never rise or change level and this is because they are afraid to fail, they avoid situations where they might make mistakes because the idea of making mistakes looks very unpleasant to them. Unfortunately, sometimes by so doing they end up avoiding situations where they may likely learn and become more better thereby burying their untapped potentials. Why did i call it "untapped potentials?" I called it so because there are hidden potentials in a man that may never manifest or may not be actualized without mistakes.

What mistake do you make recently?


Few days ago I woke up as usual to go to office as I needed to be in office as early as 6:00am for morning prayers before working time. I forgot I off my bike's fuel cap, as I move a little that early hours of the day the bike off. I tried almost everything I could but the bike did not start, I removed the spark plug, clean it and put it back still to no avail. I replaced it with the spair plug which is brand new still to no avail.

At this point I was already late, frustrated and angry I begin to push the bike in search for mechanical engineer. Because it was too early no engineer has opened workshop already. I kept pushing the bike hoping to find help but to no avail. I was tired and there's no place to park the bike and follow alternative commercial so as not to miss the morning prayer as I have a very important role to play at the prayer.

To cut it short, I ended pushing the bike to office Wich is about 3 kilometers far from where the bike stopped hopping to fix it later when mechanics will open workshops. By this time I was very tired and already about 2 hours late.
Later that day I pushed the bike to a mechanic workshop who was very busy working on those that were there before my arrival.

I have to wait angrily because of all that I have been through that day. I spent more than 2 hours before it got to my turn as the mechanic there is in the habit of attending to people base on what we call "first come first served" which is okay but to me at that moment because of my experience that day, I considered that unnecessary.

When my turn came he checked the bike, in few minutes he was done and the bike started. I was surprised, I asked what was wrong? He smiled and responded that nothing was wrong with my bike only that the fuel cap was off. "Chai.......!" I exclaimed.

What do you learn from the mistake?


I learned that day that mistakes may have severe consequences but there's something to learn out of it, now from that time I know for sure that I cannot suffer from that same situation because I will always check to be sure that the fuel cap is on to avoid such experience.

I also learned from that experience that we need each other, no matter our level, status, knowledge etc. As learned or skillful as you may be, you may need the service of another. I am a professional in my field but see how helpless I was in this situation because it is not my field of study or area of profession.

Finally, I learned that every problem you are going through some one has the answer to it. God has blessed mankind with resources and potentials to handle somany life challenges; so therefore don't die in silence. What is difficult to you, is what another can or may handle with ease.

I will like to invite my friends, @josepha, @ruthjoe, and @samuelernest to join the contest.

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Wow friend, the mistake you make is minimal, I have made similar mistakes, sometimes this things skip our mind when we are in a heist. In some cases mechanic will charge because of your lack of knowledge of the same fault. Always think of best possible ways to sort your problems which os as a result of mistakes. Goodluck

Big thanks Sir for your amazing feedback

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Steem For Betterlife Community

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Oh my goodness! I can imagine the frustration! Now you've learnt your lessons and such mistakes won't repeat. Thanks for sharing with us, because it can happen to anyone.

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