My Love Story

in hive-153970 •  6 months ago 
Evening my lovely Steemians! Hope you are all fine. I am so excited to participate in this Steem engagement challenge which is organized by @goodybest in this great community Steem For Betterlife. I am going to make use of the hint as provided in this special contest to make my entry in this contest.


(1). Are you in a romantic relationship? (If no tell Us your kind of partner)

Yes! Actually we are now married, I am really happy cause I am blessed with an amazing partner as a wife. I am so proud of her, I am not exaggerating Steemians cause she is super amazing. In multiple world to come I won't choose any other person other than her, she is the joy of my heart. Aside from any other reward from God in heaven I will be glad to have her as a gift if there will be anything like that in heaven 😁😁😁😁.


(2). How did you meet your partner, was it love at first sight? (If you're yet in a relationship, what is your view of love at first sight)

Quiet interesting! I first so her on my friends wedding day, she happened to be the chief bridesmaids. Her friend the bride was also close to me, seen that I don't really give attention to having any thing like romantic relationship; I think she began to find out about me cause one day she told me she "know my kind of girl and she have one for me and she is very sure I will like her.

I argued seriously but boooom! Like magic it was true on that wedding day I saw her my heart began to bit like motar and pestle 😁😁😁😁. After the wedding she left, I prayed fervently for the day I will see her again. That day was ages to me that I have to start searching for her on Facebook, I don't have an idea of her name so to search was very difficult but as I kept searching boooom! I got her.

I downloaded her pictures and I began to use them on my wallpaper as well as screen saver, not knowing that she was in town. My friend adviced me to remove it before accidentally she will see her pictures in a stranger's phone and react to it one day.

In summary it was love at first sight, the day I saw her again with my wife's friend I couldn't rest until I walked up to her, it wasn't easy but at last it worked out and I am forever grateful.


(3). What quality of your partner do you love most? (What quality do you look for in a partner)

She is very understandable, loving, caring, charming, hardworking and extremely beautiful. She is my kind of test for a partner. When we talk of a virtuous woman or a wife material, my wife is a good definition of that. I can't ask for more, she's cool and she makes my home peaceful friends.

(4). Share both your most memorable and embarrassing moments with your partner (if you're not in a relationship what do you think would be the most memorable/embarrassing moment for you)

Among many other memorable moments was:

  • The day i walked up to her
  • Her first birthday just few days after I asked her out.
  • Our Traditional wedding day
  • Our white wedding day
  • Our honeymoon 😁😁😁😁 etc.

I'm inviting @josepha, @samuelernest and @ruthjoe to kindly participate in this contest.

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Aww 🥰 it's good to learn that you married the love of your life, my brother I tell you he who finds a good wife finds a good thing, virtuous women are rare gems 💎 so treat her like a queen 👑. May your love for one another last for a lifetime.

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