JAPAKEH XX: Expedition to Mt. Buntul Gading (Day -3)

in hive-153970 •  4 months ago 


JAPAKEH Expedition Monitoring Day 3: Thursday, March 7, 2024.

There are no updates from the team currently carrying out the Bur Buntul Gading mountain expedition. Based on an analysis of the difficulty of the terrain conditions and vegetation on a slope of more than 30 degrees, the team may be below the planned camp 3 area at an altitude of 1,200 MASL. The problem that may arise is difficulty drinking water. This team has undergone survival training and has spent 5000 hours in the wild with extreme terrain. The chances of them surviving are quite significant. This estimate is based on the distance from the nearest village, 2 days going up and 1 day going down to the nearest village. In terms of safety estimates, there is never 100% safety because anything can happen, especially on an outdoor expedition like this.

The highest safety figure that we have to assume is 85%, considering the nearest aid factor and the team's exploring ability. I made the formula for calculating this myself by calculating, in 10 footsteps there will be an average of 1.5 steps error (discripancy). I gained this from the experience of solo expeditions and team expeditions at expolring altitudes of less than 4000 MASL. The optimal footstep distance in exploration is 50 cm calculated from the heel of the foot at the back to the tip of the toe in the front position so that within a distance of 1000 m, there will be a possible deviation of 150 steps or the equivalent of 75 m. Simply put, if the target distance is 1000 m, then the actual maximum estimated achievement is 750 m.

If this error rate repeats itself every day, then on the day of (1/2x(Total D expedition)), the expedition will likely be terminated, although several other factors will be taken into account for this cancellation. Cancellation of an expedition is to prevent the possibility of a fatal accident occurring and threatening safety. This is my job as the D-Track team coordinator to monitor and determine the course of the expedition. This is the SOP that must be followed in every expedition that carries the name Aceh Tracker.

On the other side, Today March 7, 2024.

Tuesday, March 7 2024 Expedition Team's water problem begins. After breakfast and leaving only a small bottle (500 ml) for the journey, the team targeted reaching C3 and looking for water in the surrounding valley area. Because it was hard to continue the trip without enough available drinking water.


This is the water that the team had from camp 2 to camp 3

Along the pioneering route, the team encountered many rocks, rattan, and moss. The dense vegetation also became an obstacle for the team to move quickly. At 17.30 WIB the team finally arrived at C3 and decided to camp. Arriving at the camp, the team immediately moved towards the potential water area located in the valley. The team managed to find a water flow, but after searching the results were to no avail and the team decided to return to camp because it was already dark and prayed that it would rain that night. Since we have been dehidrated enough for a long and hard journey at the day light.


The density forest that the team goes trough

That night at 23.05 WIB it started raining, but unfortunately, it was only drizzle which meant that the team was only able to collect 2 bottles of large botle of drinking water (3 L). At least enough capital to run tomorrow. That night the team only ate biscuit and drank coffee for dinner.

Camp 3 is about 700 meters from camp 2 the previous night. Factors such as the density of vegetation and the steepness of the rocky and moss terrain limit the reach of the team which should have reached the middle of camp 3 and camp 4.


The close look of the terrain that the team passed to reach camp 3

The very limited water stock reduced the team's effectiveness in pioneering the route, and this was the most difficult thing the team had to face on the 3rd day.

The terrain was covered in bushes, making it impossible for the team to freely pass through narrow gaps to reach greater distances. The slightest wrong footing would cause the team to lose orientation in the correct direction.

The team chose to cross animal tracks which looked wider, but the path usually used by animals would be winding and longer. However, this is to save energy in clearing paths and clearing dense bushes.

On my side, Monitoring team:

In the afternoon at 6:00, there was no news from the team carrying out the expedition in the field. From the estimated route, they had not yet reached camp 4, because at camp 4 there was a possibility of a communication signal because it was on a peak that was more open and higher than the surrounding area.


The red arrow pointed at my best estimation for the team position today (March 7, 2024)

This estimate is based on the density and slope of the track planned by the team. If by the 7th day the team does not provide an update on the field expedition, I as the coordinator will carry out an evaluation and prepare the team to make preparations. This preparation is necessary to be able to carry out search operations and find the team that is carrying out the operation. The maximum number of teams that will be involved in this advance tracking is 2 personnel.

Meanwhile, I still hold all this information and have not shared it with anyone other than the D-track team, this has become our SOP because we don't want to cause excessive panic from other team members.

Thank you for following the story of the Bur Buntul Gading Expedition carried out by Aceh Tracker until the third day.

The previous day's link can be seen as follows

Day 2 : https://steemit.com/hive-153970/@el-nailul/japakeh-xx-expedition-to-mt-buntul-gading-day-2
Day 1 : https://steemit.com/hive-153970/@el-nailul/japakeh-xx-the-20th-aceh-tracker-expedition-to-mt-buntul-gading-day-1

Perhaps the story will give some ideas for @wakeupkitty and @fadthalib to make their "Jungle living epic"



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Selalu menarik membaca suatu ekspedisi, dikarenakan tidak semua orang mampu untuk itu. Selain pengetahuan dasar survival, kematangan emosi juga sangat menentukan. Terbayang waktu kuliah di jogja dulu, kebanyakan para mahasiswa menghabiskan malam minggu di gunung, hanya sekedar melihat sun rise.

Walaupun gunung di jawa rata-rata diatas 2000 mdpl namun tingkat kesulitan masih kategori rendah, kecuali gunung Slamet yang masih ada hutannya. Namun tingkat mistiknya yang harus saya akui itu tinggi.

Terkadang tidak masuk akal dengan jalur yang sudah sangat jelas tapi masih bisa tersesat. Apalagi leader seorang mapala ditambah dengan beberapa orang yang sudah biasa naik tapi masih juga tersesat. Konyolnya lagi itu dari awal pendakian, sampai akhirnya harus tidur diatas akar pohon yang dibawahnya jurang tanpa tau itu adalah jurang. Pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.

Menariknya, pendakian dan bangun di samping jurang ini terdengar dan terasa berbeda. Setiap langkah diperhitungkan, begitu juga dengan kehilangan waktu, tidak ada setetes air pun yang boleh tumpah. Ini adalah proses menyerap dan mencoba menyatu dengan alam dan mengetahui bahwa bahaya mengintai di mana-mana. Bukan ular atau binatang buas, tapi batu terkecil pun bisa menjatuhkan seseorang - belum lagi kekurangan air, beratnya barang bawaan, dan keharusan untuk tetap berpegang teguh pada rencana. 85% aman tergantung pada keterampilan dan keberuntungan. 🤔

Saya merasa beruntung bisa selamat, jika saya tidak salah waktu itu kami tersesat dan berputar-putar pada area yang menurut saya sudah pernah kami lewati. Sepertinya itu lereng jurang hanya saja mata saya melihat itu jalan biasa. Akhrinya setelah tersesat selama 3 jam kami memutuskan untuk beristirahat dan saya benar-benar tertidur karena kelelahan yang luar biasa. Ketika mata hari bersinar dan melihat sekeliling ternyata posisi kami masih jauh dari puncak gunung dan jalannya sangat jelas terlihat dan sangat mudah. Aneh tapi nyata.

Anda lebih kaya akan pengalaman, van ceritakan tentang hal itu. Apakah Anda mencapai puncak?

Itu pengalaman pertama saya mendaki gunung dan gagal mencapai puncak, tapi minggu depannya lagi saya ulangi bersama kelompok yang lebih kecil, hanya 3 orang dan berhasil sampai puncak. Ketika kita melakukan pendakian tentu semua sudah dipersiapkan dengan baik namun kadang kala ada hal-hal yang tidak bisa kita perkirakan dapat terjadi. Di gunung kita bisa tau bagaimana karakter teman kita karena saat lelah dalam pendakian maka emosi jadi susah untuk dikendalikan.

Pertanyaannya apa yang dicari dari pendakian?, apa cuma sekedar menikmati mata hari terbit, bagaimana jika cuaca sedang hujan dan berkabut sehingga kita tidak bisa melihat matahari. Apakah bahaya yang mengancam tidak menjadi pertimbangan?. Jawabannya sederhana, itulah panggilan dari gunung.

Itu adalah komentar yang menarik: apa yang kita kecuali.

Memang karakteristik pegunungan di jawa jauh sekali berbeda dengan pegunungan di Aceh, namun bahaya selalu ada dimana-mana. Jaur yang terlalu banyak justru menyulitkan pendaki dalam menentukan arah, karena kebanya pendaki di pulau jawa adalah pendaki wisata yang tidak membawa perlengkapan yang memadai. Saya berkali-kali ditertawakan karena saat saya naik gunung disana selalu membawa perlengkapan navigasi dan makanan lebih. Dan memang, di pucak gunung disana itu kebanyak sudah ada warteg (warung kecil) yang menjual makanan bahkan nasi goreng saja tersedia.

Sementara di Aceh, gunung yang bisa dianggap wisata hanya ada 2, yaitu Burni Telong di Takengon dan Gunung Seulawah Agam di Saree Aceh Besar, meski demikian pendakian kesana tetap membutuhkan peralatan navigasi yang memadai.

Saya beberapa kali pernah diskusi dengan para sesepuh pendakian gunung di Indonesia seperti Uwak Jukardi Bongkeng (Wanadri), Pak Mamay S Salim dan Kang Galih Donikora yang merupakan sepepuh pendaki dari Wanadri yang masih aktif hingga sekarang. Mereka merasa miris dengan para pendaki di Pulau Jawa dan sebagian Sumatera karena cenderung menganggap enteng pendakian dan banyaknya korban yang tidak perlu dalam pendakian wisata seperti itu, dan umumnya para pendaki disana tidak dibekali peralatan dan perbekalan yang memadai dan cenderung menganggap remeh perjalanan mendaki gunung.

I have read, thought, there are some questions but I will start at Part one again and read those three parts after each other and make notes.

Water is always a problem, drizzle... the Dutch summers for an entire day (or worse) till it's bedtime... Is water filtered?

Coffee... good if there's less to eat, the spirit is low but it dehydrates.

If you publish this it would make a good read.


Note @fadthalib since we are surrounded by water in Giethoorn and need to cross oceans I hope you stumble on the info needed. Multatuli his 400+ pages of Max Havelaar take time to translate and read

Hahahaha, sayangnya peta kampung wongsodikromo tidak ada, saya sedang membuat soal ujian untuk para siswa jadi terlambat untuk melanjutkan, namun max Havelaar tetap makelar kopi yang jenius, mungkin @el-nailul menemukan jejak kopinya di dataran gayo.

Saya tunggu dan Anda selalu dapat membuat peta sendiri. Semoga sukses untuk para siswa.

Yes, they filter it before boiling it properly and only drink sterilized water no matter how difficult it is. Drinking dirty water in the wild is similar to suicide because no one knows how much bacteria in that water especially the water taken from the dirty small swam.

For them, having coffee is like making themselves comfortable with the situation, and it is important to maintain mental and spiritual stability in such a situation.

Have a nice day Kitty


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Thank you very much @jaynie, how are you?

It is my pleasure @el-nailul :) and I am very well thank you for asking! I hope you have a wonderful Friday!