WORLD SMILE PROJECT OFFICIAL REPORT: The study room for Free Education Center has been Inaugurated

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 

The World Smile Project supports education programs in Aceh consistently and the last project was constructing the study room for the children in the North Aceh. The construction of the building has been completed as reported previously by the team and myself.

Free Education Center has been inaugurated

The handover and inauguration ceremony was held on Thursday, 16th December 2021, with the headmaster and the volunteer teacher in the Boarding School. This program is a part of the Education Support Program from the World Smile Project, besides another program implemented in Indonesia.

This report is to conclude the completion of the Free Education Center Support program. The next education support program will be planned and implemented in the other area. It can be your country and hometown since the world smile project the world wide program to support those in needs.

As expected the study room can now be used by the children for their proper study room in the boarding school




The positive impact of the education support is most of the teachers in the boarding school never stop asking about the steemit platform and how it works hence the world smile project can be used to support the humanitarian program.

The handover ceremony was led by @miftahuddin as the project team leader in Desa Munasah Blang, Syamtalira Aron sub regency, North Aceh. The even was attended by headmaster, villagers, teachers and the all student of the Boarding School. This is the first construction program of the World Smile Project in Indonesia.

As the program meeting previously reported, the next construction in the water sanitation system and public latrine. While the organic food sustainability in the boarding school will be soon implemented. The team has been surveying the location of the program implementation.

Detailed programs are as below:

  1. Organic Food Sustainability in the Boarding School. The organic food sustainability is part of Boarding School support program. This program will be soon implemented by preparing the land and providing the seed especially for vegetable. Other than for student's consumption it can be as the economic resource.

  2. Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building. The implementation of the Study room in the Bording School lead some people to show us their public latrine that need attention, and base on their initiation we would like to conduct assessment. BoQ for the program has been developed and will be discussed and published accordingly

  3. Housing Renovation Program. This program is to support the vulnerable by renovating the inappropriate living house of the community. This program can be a substitute of the housing construction program, but it needs proper assessment and evaluation to avoid budget overflow.

  4. Environtment protection program, and this program is needed to evaluate properly for implementation efficiency. The program mostly will be implemented by the reliable third party for maximum efficiency. While the location is determined, we are preparing the budget for the program

Those program can be implemented when the budget is available and it absolutely needs your support. Should you see these programs are worthy support of yours, please feel free to share you earning to @worldsmile account.

Million thanks to the steemit team who has demonstrated huge amount of support. Other parties who has shown endless afford of supporting the project implementation of the program

Any advice and input please welcome in the comment section


Thank you and best regards


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The design and BoQ of the Water System and Public Latrine will be completed in the near future.


Of the four activities that we will carry out, only one clean water and latrine sanitation activity is almost finished with the preparation of prices and designs. Other activities will follow soon.

Alhamdulillah, bale pengajian sudah selesai dibangun, dan sudah bisa digunakan. Selamat dan sukses untuk program "World Smile Project".

Estoy maravillada con todas las buenas obras que se han ejecutado con éxito y con las que están por venir en diferentes partes del mundo. WSP la mejor iniciativa de Steemit, cambiando vidas y creando sonrisas.

Mis mejores deseos para todo el equipo.!!!

Wow, Finally...., Congratulations, this is nice.