#BURNSTEEM25 ||Humanitarian Action Contest - Doing Blood Donation For HumanitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago  (edited)

As social beings, every human being has the right to take action or humanitarian activities for each other. Humanitarian Action is an activity that relieves the suffering of fellow human beings by not discriminating against religion or belief, ethnicity, gender, social position, or a person's position problem. Humanitarian action is very much needed in social life because this activity is very helpful for people in need and must be maintained.



The desire to help others is a good deed that should be appreciated by all. Nowadays it is increasingly rare for people who want to work in the humanitarian field. Most people are too busy with their own business without caring about others who need help. However, with people who are willing and sincere to work in the field of humanity, they will be able to help and lighten the burden of others. Humanitarian actions or movements will be beneficial for those who feel the difficulties of life and ease the burden of suffering for others. Moreover, for us Muslims it is highly recommended to mobilize humanitarian action.



Humanitarian activities that can be carried out are not only limited to helping fellow human beings, but can also be carried out on public facilities. It could be by working together to clean places of worship, streets, schools, clean up the neighborhood or other public facilities. Blood donation is a very noble act of humanity. Alhamdulillah, until now I still carry out blood donation activities regularly to help others. Like a few days ago, I returned to donate blood at the PMI Aceh Utara office Location. A drop of blood that we will donate is very useful for people in need.


Blood donation is the process of taking blood from someone voluntarily to be stored in a blood bank as blood stock and used for blood transfusions. Blood donation services are regulated by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) for social and humanitarian purposes. Blood donation activities are not only beneficial for others but also very beneficial for themselves (donors). In addition to improving heart health, blood donation can also reduce the risk of cancer. May every humanitarian activity that we do bring benefits to ourselves and others around our environment.

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Donating blood is a very good act! By donating blood, you have saved one life.
Good job👍👍

Mendnor blood is a very good thing for the health of your own body 😂🙏

Setetes darah sangat bermnafaat bagi yang membutuhkan.
Kegiatan sosial yang sangat Luar Biasa🔥

Benar sekali bu @ettydiallova, terima kasih sudah singgah...