in hive-153970 •  3 months ago 

hi everyone,

This is my 2nd post on steemit , today i'm going to share my internship experience as a fresher computer science student, how i lend to this internship how was the interview , test and now all the task i am doing right now and all the errors i am facing in tasks , how i resolved them.

When my 5th semester has ended, and university is not offering summers, so we have a 3-month gap, so I thought that instead of wasting it try to learn something and internship is the best option to learn something new , learn from others, gain experience and see how computer science industry is working , so one of my uni mate send me the link for this internship and i applied into that internship and my application got accepted then i receive a call ,they said that they want to set a screening interview. I gave the interview , interview was good but it was a bit difficult as a fresher intern.

After a month i receive a mail says , "You are shortlisted for php laravel intern". I was excited because i crack the first ever interview in my life but a bit nervous because there was another level "Aptitude Test". Thankfully i passed the test and got selected as an php laravel intern in "Silver point communication company".

I was excited about the internship and also that i will be learning php laravel and the day came and my first task was about "html css & bootstrap". I create a registeration page from scratch with some validations also and it was so easy for me but obviously with some errors, not that hectic.

Here is the glimpse of my first task "registeration page"



First i thought that they will only gave me task on regular bases but no they are teaching me gave me links for learning php laravel as i did'nt work on php laravel before , now i am learning and performing tasks on regular bases.I learnt integers, variables, constant, string, array, functions, loops, date & time, die vs exit, mysql with php, html with php, databse connectivity, sessions, post &get method and much more and performed many tasks. Also there are daily meetings in which we all disscuss about the regular task or errors and learn something new apart from php like sometimes we disscuss cloud computing , data structures.

First task related to php was so much easy it was Library management, constants, variables, string, add & search for books.



Another was intresting i create registeration page login page and had to display all the information on the next page and save all the information in the json file with all the validations like unique username , email and also for password like 8 digite long with special characters. Then store all the information in the databse also.

here is all there pages




And now i recently learned about files in php to create upload write and read file the i was assigned a task related to this. In the task i have to make a home page like basic website structure and then do all files work.

here is the basic structure




Lastly i want to say that start learning something new don't depend on the institute or college or university you are studying , develop some skills , identify which feild or specialization you will be pursuing your future in.

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