Humming Bird

in hive-153970 •  last year 

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

Hope everyone is doing well by God's infinite grace.

My username is @gulshanpupry and I'm from Bangladesh.

The tiny hummingbird tops the list of the smallest birds. Of all the birds, hummingbirds are among the most exciting and endearing.
Small birds found in South and North America are hummingbirds belonging to the family Trochlididae. There are 400 different kinds of hummingbirds on the globe.


When in flight, they blend because of how rapidly they go.
Their maximum air speed is about 45 kilometers per hour. When in flight, a butterfly's tiny wings beat at a rate of about 80 times per second.
Though small, around three to five inches in length, everything about these birds is exceptional, from their appearance and food to their behavior. Their wings make a buzzing noise while they fly.
"Humming" is the English word for the sound. That's why it's called a hummingbird because of its swift flight. This population consumes food at a considerably faster pace than the norm.


In less than 45 minutes, the body could process flower honey, absorb it, and use it for energy. Like bees, they rely mostly on blossom honey for sustenance, but during the mating season, insects and spiders provide a significant amount of protein and minerals as well.


The rapid wingbeats of a hummingbird in flight—40 to 50 times per second—make it very difficult for the bird to walk in an English eight pattern. Still, no other bird can match this one for speed in any direction: forward, backward, up, or down.
Hovering, or moving one's wings like a helicopter while remaining in the air, is another English word for "hovercraft."
Cobwebs and moss are common nesting materials for several species of hummingbirds. The home is well-built and sturdy. As the young hummingbird grows within the nest, removing the spider's web becomes more difficult. The average size of one of their nests is a golf ball.


After two to three weeks, the tiny white eggs laid by hummingbirds are ready to hatch.
In a minute, a hummingbird's heart will beat 1260 times. To the tune of 250 breaths every minute, they are capable.

They migrate about 950 km across the Gulf of Mexico to eastern North America without stopping once.

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