Who Can Use Tags #club5050, #club100 dan #clubdolphin ?

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hi everyone...

The trending issue in steemit right now is power-ups, many steemians don't know about the new rules issued by the Steemit Team in a steemitblog post a week ago.


Today I explain about the use of the #club5050 tag and who can use it. As a Community admin, for the last 3 days I've been checking posts on the STEEM FOR BETTER LIFE community. I found a lot of errors in using the Club5050 tag.

CLUB 5050

Club5050 is a balance between the withdrawal of steem/SBD (transfer) with the Total Power-Up. This is what some steemians don't understand or intentionally cheat to get votes from the curator of the steemit team.

A 50 : 50 ratio (50% transfer: 50% Power Up) can be assumed you can withdraw 50% of your income and 50% of your income to Power Up Account, but you should withdraw lower even compared to Power Up to stay in club5050 if the exchange price of steem and SBD goes up and down at any time.

You can use the Tag #club5050 if the above conditions are met within one calendar month. For example, today is November 4, 2021, you need to see your wallet activity from October 4, 2021 to November 4, 2021.

How to check your wallet using the SteemWorld.org tool by @steemchiller:

You can enter the following address https://steemworld.org/@accountname in your browser, I am sure if you have completed the Achievement 5.1 task in the newcomers achievement program in the newcomers community, of course you are familiar with this one tool. or you can choose this link : https://steemworld.org/transfer-search?

image.png Checking transfers for a month

image.png Checking power-ups for a month

By using this tool you can find out the amount of steem/SBD you have transferred and power up, you can compare the transfer and power up yourself.

If the power up is more than the withdrawal (transfer) you can use the #Club5050 Tag and otherwise you are prohibited from using the #Club5050 Tag

CLUB 100

Users who are members of #Club100 are people who always power-up 100% of their income, have never made a cash out (transfer) in the last month, this is very much liked by the steemit team.

If you always power up all your earnings without withdrawals, you are welcome to use #club100 on every post


The steemit team is also looking for people who do Power Up continuously until they reach Dolphin status (5000SP) to get special rewards, you can use the #Clubdolphin Tag when you just reach the Dolphin level

This is a brief explanation of who can use the #Club5050 #Club100 and #Clubdolphin tags. Hopefully steemit users can join Club5050 and Club100 to reach the Dolphin level. Thank you

best regards


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#club5050 😀

Very good information, I understand that we should only use the clubdolphin tag exclusively when we reach the category and then stop using it until we upgrade again to a double dolphin category for example, is that right?
I was using it for having the dolphin category but I am not using it anymore because I saw another publication in another community clarifying this.
Greetings and blessings.

You understand it correctly, thank you

Thank you for confirming this

Terimakasih telah memberikan penjelasan tentang tentang penggunaan tag #club5050, #club100 dan clubdolphin dan bagi siapa boleh menggunakan tag tersebut,, semoga ini bermanfaat untuk semua steemians.


Informasi yang berguna 🙏🙏


Terimakasih atas pemberitahuan tentang tag nya pak


Important and very useful information! thank you kanda Heriadi

Terima kasih @heriadi, sungguh sangat bermanfaat

Info yang sangat bagus


Bang, tolong periksa akun saya, Apakah saya dapat menggunakan #clubdolphin jika terus melakukan Power UP 100% hingga mencapai 5000 SP

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

kalau sdah sampai 5000 SP boleh pakai di awal pencapaian 5000SP jika belum akan di tegur

Baik terimakasih infonya pak heriadi, masi lama dong... 1000 aja belum sampek... 😁😁😁

Yang penting usaha...

Siap komandan...

@tipu curate

Halo bg @heriadi
Saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 5-2 saya, tapi belum dikurasi.

Berikut saya kirimkan tautan Achievement 5-2 milik saya:

Sebagai pendatang baru saya berTerimakasih atas informasinya, saya yang masih awam akan aturan2 di komunitas ini menjadi lebih mengerti .


Terima kasih atas informasi yang sangat bermanfaat ini .


Assalamualaikum bang @heriadi

saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 1 saya sejak 5 hari yang lalu, namun kenapa belum juga diverifikasi, jika ada kesalahan dan kekurangan mohon Sudi kiranya Abang koreksi. Berikut tautan Achievement 1 milik saya


Saya minta maaf telah mengganggu waktu aktivitasnya, terimakasih banyak bang @heriadi.

Postingan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi saya pribadi sebagai pendatang baru, terima kasih banyak @heriadi

Achievement 1|Perkenalan Diri Saya @wakgenk disteemit | 04 November 2021
Hallo bang ,
Achievemeny 1 saya belum di verikasi

assalamu'alakum pak @heriadi,,
saya telah menyelesaikan Achievement 1..
saya mohon agar sudi kira agar bapak mengoreksi Achievement 1 saya,,dimana kekurangannya mohon bapak koreksi.

dibawah inilah postingan achievement 1 saya pak.


Salam kenal bang @heriadi...
I'm a newbie and at this early stage am planning to join the #club100 as I need to build my SteemPower. Currently I don't own much STEEM that I can use to power-up (picture attached). My questions:

  1. Could I use #club100 tag on by blog post? My current Rewards setup for my post is: Power Up 100%
  2. Is it mandatory to make monthly transfer (power-up) even I don't own much STEEM?
  3. Is there anything that I need to set-up/configure (author/curation/beneficiary rewards)?

Thank you for your kind attention and sharing this article.


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Salam kenal juga
Kenapa menulis dalam bahasa inggris akan lebih mudah bahasa sendirijika ingin menyampaikan sesuatu

Jika ingin bergabung club 100 anda harus aktif sudah aktif 3 bulan dan semua penghasilan harus di power up, jika baru aktif 2 bulan maka anda berada di club 75 juka melakukan power up minimal 75% dari penghasilan jika baru aktif kembali akan berada di club5050 selama 1 bulan jika melakukan power up minimal 50%dari penghasilan

Jika anda memiliki SBD di walet, dapat anda tukarkan di market internal steemit untuk mendapatkan steem agar bisa power up

Bergabung club di wajibkan untuk mendapat dukungan akan tetapi di perbolehkan tidak bergabung club maka anda tidak mendapat upvote dari tim steemit

Anda tidak di wajibkan set konfigurasi penerima kecuali ada dalam aturan misal kontes atau anda ingin memberikan donasi ke akun amal

Terima kasih bang @heriadi atas respon dan penjelasannya. Alasan mengapa saya menulis dalam bhs. Inggris adalah:

  1. Artikel ini ditulis dalam bhs. Inggris maka sepatutnya direspon dalam bahasa yang sama.
  2. Merperluas jangkauan terutama bagi pembaca yg tidak mengerti bhs. Indonesia dan memiliki pertanyaan yang sama dengan saya.
  3. Saya masih kurang paham dengan paragraph:

Bergabung club di wajibkan untuk mendapat dukungan akan tetapi di perbolehkan tidak bergabung club maka anda tidak mendapat upvote dari tim steemit

Apakah bergabung disini seperti bergabung (subscribe) dalam komunitas atau penggunaan tagar #club? Mohon pencerahannya.

Terima kasih untuk waktunya. Salam 🙏

Terima kasih bang @heriadi atas waktunya serta tautan referensi. Salam.🙏