''Top five tips for healthy living''

in hive-153970 •  10 months ago 
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Hope everyone is doing well by God's infinite grace.
My username is @ibrahim123 and I'm from Bangladesh.

All German doctors say to walk 10,000 steps a day. Then there will be no more diseases. Ten thousand steps mean 6.5 kilometers.
Do you have to believe everything they say!!! So!!!!
As a child, my mother used to force-feed me spinach. My father used to say that iron will increase in the body.
Growing up, I learned that a nutrition scientist had misplaced the decimals in his research, so spinach showed high iron content.
All the world believed in him. And forgetting him, my childhood was spent in such trouble.
Then, when I started going to the gym, the trainer told me to eat noodles every day.
Within a year, the theory changed. Don't eat noodles; it's disgusting, lots of starch.
Tell me, where will the ignorant, Google-believing people like us go?
However, after swearing at the nutritionists, I took the car out of the garage. Must go shopping. The shop is pretty close. Even if I could walk, I would not go.
Suddenly, I met my neighbors Felix and Maria. Both are over eighty.

But the fit body, not even a drop of fat on the body, Felix should get Ranveer Singh and Maria Deepika.
I asked them if I would take them with me.
Maria said, no, no, we walk 6.5 kilometers every day.
I said, Oh, that's the secret of your staying young.

  • So, how long has this habit been?
    Felix replied, 50 years. My eyes widened.
  • Well, where do you get so much motivation?
    Felix reluctantly replied, not motivation, but compulsion.
  • That means?
    -You know, since we married Maria, we often quarreled. Almost broke up, and what else?
    We went to the psychologist. He advised after listening to everything, you quarrel over silly things. The rule from now on is that whoever starts a fight is punished with a 6.5 km walk.
    Felix continued to say, I used to fight so often that I often had to walk ten thousand steps. I became slim.
  • I understand that so why is Maria so slim?
    Maria answered: - And I used to follow him. Is he walking correctly?
    Like Socrates, I listened to their words and put the car back into the garage. I went shopping on foot.
    I cursed myself by cursing the Pustists.


  1. To fill your stomach, Eat rice, pulses, vegetables, fish, and meat. While eating, there is no need to consider whether it will be harmful. Eat to your heart's content.

  2. Walk eight to ten kilometers every day, in the afternoon or evening. Walk briskly and make your body sweat. A shirt so drenched in sweat that anyone would ask, "Hey, why don't you go out with an umbrella"?
    Start trekking at first, increase the speed, and towards the end, reduce the rate.
    If you walk, you will get hungry and not be averse to eating. As a result of walking, the exertion will lead to sleep at night, and the insomnia problem will be eliminated.
    Suppose they are diagnosed with a morning walk to protect their health, but I did not talk about morning walk because of this, if you wake up early in the morning and take a walk. In that case, there is a possibility of disrupting the status quo created in the body due to sleeping all night.

  3. If there is no physical problem, for no reason, a check-up consultation with the doctor can cause various problems. So, if not required, it is better to avoid these.

  4. Due to mild symptoms, one should not panic. The body's natural immunity should be allowed to work.

  5. Abandon Google Doctor's advice.
    Thanks to all

Md.Ibrahim Uddin.

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