Announcement - Winners STEEM Investing Contest 14th

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 

STEEM Investing and Power Up Contest 14th Edition has ended on September 30, 2021. Today I will announce the best 3 Contestants based on the scoring range.

Basically all contestants are winners, but we have to choose the best out of 10 contestants. There are 9 main indicators of assessment and this is the judge's reference in giving an assessment, hopefully the results obtained from this contest will not disappoint the participants because in principle this contest is held as a form of Power Up development as an effort to increase account strength, on the other hand, STEEM investment can grow so that the STEEM ecosystem will continue to grow.

The following table summarizes the participants' scores

Based on the scores obtained, we determined the 3 contestants with the highest scores, including:

  1. @munaa with score 85,57
  2. @akbar2468 with score 85,57
  3. @zoelgood with score 85,57

Jepretan Layar 2021-10-01 pukul 11.11.29.png

I would like to thank all the contestants for their contributions and congratulations to the contest winners, the essence of this regular contest is just an effort to improve the user's habit of doing Power-Ups so that it becomes a culture that will continue to be preserved. Thanks to @steemcurator01 for supporting this contest

Wait for me in the next 15th edition of the Contest, I'm glad to see you here regularly Power Ups and taking part in the Contest.

cc : @disconnect

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Terimakasih telah melakukan PowerUp, ini kegiatan positif. Tapi Post ini tidak memenuhi syarat jika diajukan sebagai kontes

Terima kasih bg atas pemberitahuannya..

Coba baca pedoman kontesnya...

Terima kasih 🙏🙏

Wellcome bro

Assalammualaikum bg @irawandedy semoga sehat selalu , mohon ditinjau punya saya terimakasih

Cukup buat achievement 1x saja setiap tugasnya

Achievement berulang itu tidak dibenarkan

Solusinya bagaimana bg, maklum pemula saya belum begitu bisa...hehhe

Jgn di ulangi kasusnya

Baik bg, tapi masih bisakah saya ke achievement selanjutnya ? Kalo bisa bagaimana caranya

Coba baca kembali komentar penilaian achievement...

Congratulation 🤗

Assalamuàlaikum Wr.Wb

Mohon bantuan bang
Saya mau bertanya apakah Achievement 4 saya sudah di verifikasi oleh tim kita
Maaf, karena yang datang verifikasi itu saudara kita dari india.
Mohon abg cek kembali karena saya belum paham.
Terimakasih atas bantuan nya.

Sudah bg... Semua tim dari newcomers community bs verify.

Terimakasih atas bantuan dan informasinya bang
Sekarang saya boleh membuat tugas yang selanjutnya.?
Sekali lagi terimakasih