Celebrating 5 Years on Steemit | Reflection 11 November 2016 - 11 November 2021

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago  (edited)
50% Reward for Charity Account : @worldsmile and @adollaraday

Salinan dari Black and Green Gyms Back to Business Landscape Banner.gif

It doesn't feel like time has passed so quickly and everyone has left behind many events and memories in the past, so have I. I have had a lot of story fragments and especially on the steemit platform.

Background Join in Platform

Reminiscing back when I first joined the steemit platform 5 years ago, right on November 16, 2021, I first registered for a steemit account and at that time I as a blogger and YouTuber was invited by my friend @teukumukhlis to learn a steemit platform which he said gives rewards of any published content.

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I had no intention of registering, but my friend showed me several accounts of his acquaintances who had joined earlier and they got adequate curation. I also took a Dell Inspiron Laptop at that time, opened the steemit website, and registered until it was finished.

The adventure in steemit was initially not as expected, every post that I published did not get a vote, this is understandable because I don't know steemit further, so I didn't see the potential for posts that were supported by the whale account at that time.

Several other friends who often drink coffee together also signed up, such as @miftahuddin, @harferri, and @akbar-nur who are also bloggers and YouTubers. We often spend time together writing blogs and creating youtube content. Thanks to the consistency in creating content, we finally focused on making posts that were more oriented towards photography and unique things.

Joy and sorrow

Joining the platform certainly has many challenges, I have a lot of content that doesn't have curation, this makes it difficult for me to develop because I don't have curation. However, the encouragement and motivation from other users made me keep trying to get up by producing content that I think is of high quality. Blocktrades is the most awaited whale account, and the fruit of my patience has a lot of curation of whale accounts at that time.

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After having some SBD and Steem from claiming rewards, I also had difficulty making withdrawals, at that time I learned how to withdraw using the digital wallet. a few months on the platform, made me have to stop because on the blacklist, I can't do anything because cheetahs always downvote my posts and so do comments.


In March 2021, I was active again and this was encouraged by my friend @heriadi, he encouraged me to be active here. First I made a re-introduction to the Newcomers Community and after a few months of being active, I tried to join the Crypto Academy program several times. I also joined as Greeter Helpers in Newcomers Community by checking achievements 2 to 6.

A big change occurred when I and several other friends built Steem For BetterLife Community, As admins, we continue to strive to build a community-oriented towards Steem education, Investment, and Power-Up and Charity.

I have accumulated a lot of Steem Power while here either by making purchases on the exchange or exchange of SBD obtained from curated Claims, and it is a big achievement for me to have 11,090,285 STEEM Power at this time. It's a big achievement considering it's something I've never had before.

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Through #club75 and Club100 and Club5050, I will continue to increase Steem Power as an Effort to encourage Strength Growth of personal and community accounts, I have a target of 20,000 SP by the end of this year, and if possible can reach 25,000 SP.

From my long journey on the platform that I wrote briefly, it should be able to motivate other users to continue to be able to do Power-Ups so that they can improve the Steem Economy in the future

Cc: @pennsif

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#club75 😀

Happy 5 year anniversary !

Thank you Mis 😊

I still have a million dreams here, one of which is to get 3 dolphins this month.

I'm saving some assets and going to Power-ups at once. Hope this gets your support.

Suatu pengalaman yang luar biasa .
Sukses terus bg. Salam


Terimakasih, baru sempat balas komentarnya. Sibuk di dunia nyata

Sama-sama bg. Tidak menjadi permasalah. Tetap semangat bg.💪

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy saya telah menyelesaikan tugas 3 beberapa hari yg lalu dikomunitas pendatang, mohon untuk diverifikasi bg. Terima kasih.

Berikut link postingan tugas 3

Lam ujeun jak U Taufik Coffee Shop yang peugot postingan 😀 Great Moment ..

Get more success my brother 🥳

Dragon fruit 🤭

🤗🤗🤭 thank you bro

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy
Saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 5-4 saya yang sudah mau kadaluarsa, jika terdapat kalimat yang salah mohon untuk dikoreksinya bg.

Berikut saya kirimkan tautan Achievement 5-4 milik saya:

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy, saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 2 dan Achievement 3.
Mohon untuk diperiksa atau koreksi jika ada kesalahan.

Mohon maaf bang jika mengganggu waktunya . Terimakasih banyak bg .

Maaf atas keterlambatan memeriksa achievement karena sedang dikejar deadline akhir tahun di kantor.

Berdasarkan hasil kajian dari dua Achievement, saya belum bisa memeriksa nya karena Achievement tersebut baru dapqt diperiksa setelah di verifikasi Achievement 1.

Tempelkan link Achievement 1 pada postingan terbaru greeter untuk Achievement 1

Baik Bang Terimakasih

Assalamualaikum, Salam hormat kepada Team Greeter Helper pak @irwandedy dan pak @nadilchairi, mohon kunjungi postingan Achievement4 saya.
Terimakasih banyak atas perhatian anda.


Pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.... Sukses buat @irawandedy

Terimakasih guree atas dorongan dan petuahnya. You're the best

Sangat menginspirasi pak ded....ternyata yang saya alami dan mungkin juga dialami oleh banyak newcomers masih jauh dibandingkan perjuangan pak ded....salute....👏👏

Makasi pak... Baru sempat buka steemit hari ini. Sibuk akhir tahun.


Happy celebrat five years on steemit, steem on!!! 👏


Terimakasih pak Dan... Hari-hari super sibuk, jadi tidak sempat balas komentar

Luar biasa ini sebuah pesan baik untuk saya untuk dijadikan sebagai motivasi saya untuk berkembang di steemit. Sukses terus kanda @irawandedy🐬🐬

Assalamu’alaikum Bang @irawandedy
Saya telah menyelesaikan Achievement 5 Taks 4 saya, mohon untuk di koreksi Bang apabila masih terdapat kekeliruan dan kesalahan.

Berikut saya kirimkan tautan postingan Achievement tersebut:

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya ...

Halo bg @irawandedy
Saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 5-4 saya, jika terdapat kalimat yang salah mohon untuk dikoreksinya aduen..

Berikut saya kirimkan tautan Achievement 5-4 milik saya:

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya..

Pengalaman yang luar biasa mas bro

Tapi anda adalah anak mudanya...


Assalamu'alaikum pak mohon maaf mengganggu achievement 5 saya task 1 belum diverifikasi mohon ditinjau ulang

Achievement 5 Task 1 by @muchin : Review Steemworld.org

Saya sudah merevisinya bg, mohon di cek kembali.

Sehat selalu bg 😀🙏

Selamat atas perjuangan 5 tahun di Steemit. Perjalanan yang panjang dan penuh duri, sampai berhasil mencapai sukses seperti sekarang. Luar Biasa Pengalamannya. Salut.

Congratulations brother 💖 Happy celebrate five years on steemit.