World Smile Project Official Announcement 📣 - Feasibility Evaluation and Initial Survey Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Note: 50% of Rewards Donated @worldsmile To Accelerate the Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building.

Sanitation and clean water are two inseparable elements in life, clean water is a basic human/physiological need according to Maslow's hierarchy, while sanitation is an important aspect of creating a clean and healthy quality of life so as to avoid infection with diseases that are influenced by environmental factors. These two elements are interrelated to encourage the achievement of water needs as physiological needs and proper sanitation is also influenced by the availability of adequate water and meeting health standards.

Today the problem of clean water and sanitation in developing countries such as Indonesia is a major problem, so to reduce morbidity, efforts must be made to change clean and healthy living behavior and be encouraged by the availability of adequate sanitation and clean water facilities.

In remote and rural areas, access to clean water is a rarity because even though there are regional companies that supply clean water, they have not been able to reach all levels of society, not to mention the economic conditions of the people who do not have access to this paid clean water facility.

Steem For BetterLife Community through the World Smile Project program is here to address this issue so that it can distribute the needs of people with weak economic levels. Through the Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building program, we from the management of the World Smile Project based on a needs assessment and technical study want to realize these needs.

A few days ago the World Smile Project Team carried out Monitoring and Evaluation of the feasibility of the Construction of a Water System and Public Latrine in the public building in Syamtalira Aron District, North Aceh Regency - Indonesia. Based on this study by looked at the number of poor households which reached 400 families with a number of beneficiaries of more than 1,200 people. We from management today conducted a Preliminary Survey before the Design Calculation and Budget Draft was prepared.

Program Objectives

  • Promotion of Steemit to the community of Syamtalira Aron District in particular and North Aceh Regency in general through Construction of Water System and Public Training Activities in the public building and publications through local and national media.
  • Outcome: Infrastructure development at the survey site and promoting Steemit to all beneficiaries and the surrounding community.


  • The number of residents who ask about steem / steemit from the realization of the activities carried out.
  • People recognize the Steemit platform as an Asset that can be considered as an investable coin.
  • Increasing number of platform users and STEEM investors


  • Monitoring and evaluation from the Village Head
  • Evaluation from Steem for Betterlife Teams/Volunteers
  • Formation of the Steemit Group at the construction site for Infrastructure

Supporting data

BeneficiariesAvailable FacilitiesConditionIdeal/Need
400 Head of family--2 Units

Based on the data obtained from the results of the initial survey conducted by the Team and the results of the Steem For Betterlife Team meeting decisions, we decided to build 1 unit of Construction of Water System and Public Training in the public, the construction of this facility was based on the needs and efforts to promote STEEM through activities which are conducted. Furthermore, @klen.civil and @sofian88 will carry out the Draft and Budget Plan according to the meeting decision.

Thus the Feasibility Evaluation of the Construction of the Water System and Public Training in the public building, hopefully, can be used as initial information on the implementation of Sanitation and Clean Water sector activities.




Photo : Property of World Smile Project

cc: @steemcurator01 @pennsif @el-nailul @heriadi @miftahuddin @klen.civil @sofian88



Sanitasi dan air bersih merupakan dua elemen yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan, air bersih sebagai Kebutuhan dasar manusia/ Fisiologis sesuai dengan hierarki Maslow, sementara sanitasi merupakan aspek penting terciptanya kualitas hidup bersih dan sehat sehingga terhindar dari infeksi penyakit yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Kedua elemen tersebut saling berkaitan untuk mendorong tercapainya kebutuhan air sebagai kebutuhan fisiologis dan Sanitasi yang layak juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor ketersediaan air yang layak dan memenuhi standar kesehatan.

Dewasa ini persoalan air bersih dan sanitasi dinegara berkembang seperti Indonesia menjadi masalah utama sehingga untuk menekan angka kesakitan harus dilakukan upaya perubahan prilaku hidup bersih dan sehat serta didorong oleh ketersediaan fasilitas sanitasi dan air bersih yang memadai.

Didaerah terpencil dan pedesaan, jangkauan air bersih menjadi hal yang langka karena meskipun telah ada perusahaan daerah penyuplai air bersih, namun belum mampu menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat, belum lagi kodisi perekonimian masyarakat yang tidak memiliki akses untuk menyediakan sarana air bersih berbayar ini.

Steem For BetterLife Community melalui program World Smile Project hadir untuk menyikapi persoalan ini sehingga dapat mendistribusikan kebbutuhan masyarakat dengan tingkat perekonomian yang lemah. Melalui program Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building, kami dari manajemen World Smile Project berdasarkan kajian kebutuhan dan kajian teknis ingin merealisasikan kebutuhan tersebut.

Beberapa hari yang lalu World Smile Project Tim telah melakukan Monitoring dan Evaluasi kelayakan Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building di Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron Kabupaten Aceh Utara - Indonesia. Berdasarkan kajian tersebut dengan melihat jumlah Rumah Tangga Miskin yang mencapai 400 Kepala Keluarga dengan Jumlah Penerima Manfaat lebiih dari 1.200 Jiwa. Kami dari manajemen hari ini melakukan Survey Awal sebelum Perhitungan Desain dan Rancangan Anggaran Biaya disusun.

Tujuan Program

  • Promosi Steemit kepada masyarakat Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron pada khususnya dan Kabupaten Aceh Utara pada umumnya melalui Kegiatan Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building dan publikasi melalui media lokal dan nasional.
    *Hasil: Pembangunan Infrastruktur tersebut di lokasi survey dan mempromosikan Steemit kepada seluruh penerima manfaat dan masyarakat sekitar.


  • Banyaknya warga yang menanyakan tentang steem/steemit dari realisasi kegiatan yang dilakukan.
  • Orang-orang mengenali platform Steemit sebagai Aset yang dapat dianggap sebagai koin yang dapat diinvestasikan.
  • Peningkatan jumlah pengguna platform dan investor STEEM


  • Monitoring dan evaluasi dari Kepala Desa
  • Evaluasi dari Steem untuk Tim/Relawan Betterlife
  • Terbentuknya Steemit Group di lokasi pembangunan Sarana Prasarana

Supporting data

BenefeciarisAvailable FacilitiesConditionIdeal/Need
400 Head of family--2 Units

Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari hasil survey awal yang dilakukan oleh Tim dan hasil keputusan rapat Tim Steem For Betterlife, Kami memutuskan untuk membangun 1 unit Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public, pembangunan Fasilitas ini didasarkan pada kebutuhan dan upaya memajukan STEEM melalui kegiatan yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya @klen.civil dan @sofian88 akan melaksanakan Rancangan dan Rencana Anggaran Biaya sesuai keputusan rapat.

Demikian Evaluasi Kelayakan Construction of Water System and Public Latrine in the public building, semoga dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi awal pelaksanaan kegiatan sektor Sanitasi dan Air Bersih.

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Nice Project, i pray you achieve this.Good one!!

Thanks brother.... I hope we do in your country

Sure, we need such and i am always willing to support this project.

You and the team in Nigeria can build cooperation to encourage the realization of charity there, you can make posts and have an account to share rewards through steem for betterLife

This is so interesting bro, i will want to do that immediately. I will contact few members who might be interested.

But please how do i get in contact with you, are you on telegram or discord?

Show your commitment and the team, we will see to it

Alright, i will do that, i really want to take part in this project. Maybe i will read on some guides on your page or the community page. Thank you verymuch.

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy .
Saya telah memberdayakan 6. Tapi belum di pengungkit. Mohon dikoreksi bila ada kesalahan bg. Dan berikut adalah link postingan saya

Terima kasih

Lanjutkan ke achievement berikutnya

Keep up the good work

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy

Saya telah menyelsaikan achievement tapi belum di verifikasi,mohon dikoreksi jika ada salah....
Berikut adalah link postingan...

Alhamdulillah, semoga bisa cepat di realisasikan....

Assalamualaikum bang @irawandedy.

Mohon maaf sebelumnya, saya telah menyelesaikan achievement 2 dan telah berumur 6 hri tetapi belum juga diverifikasi. Mohon sudi kirnya jika ada kesalahan atau kesilapan mohon dikoreksi dan ini adalah link postingan saya.

Amazing project!
With this people will have an healthy living. Indeed water is life!
I'm in support of this great project ✊
Well done!

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy.
Saya telah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 2 saya. Tapi belum di verifikasi. Mohon dikoreksi apabila ada kesalahan dan saran dalam penulisan.
Berikut adalah link postingan Achievement 2 tersebut :