in hive-153970 •  7 days ago 

Dear Diary

Greetings everyone peace and love from yours truly. There are only 3 days left before June ends, did I become productive for the whole month?

Sometimes it's frustrating if there are plans that wasn't achieved but in the other hand, I am hopeful for another month to open.

The pawnshop's teller

Today, I have to go to the pawnshop to pay the interest of my brothers accessories. After the regular morning routine, I decided to send my eldest daughter to my mother to babysit her for a while. But because I felt a little bit dizziness, I rest for awhile. I have never notice that I slept then I wake up at lunch time.

My lunch, rice porridge with vegetable roll.

I was fortunate that when I entered the pawnshop, there were only one customer so I finished my transaction immediately. When I went outside the pawshop, I saw a rice porridge stall then I eat my lunch there. Actually, I have no appetite but I insisted to eat so I can have energy. I ordered 1 serve of Rice porridge and 3 pcs of vegetable roll, a total of P 25.00 or approximately 1 STEEM.

When I went back to my mother's home, I saw my daughter peacefully sleeping. I am expecting that we can go home directly but I also rest for awhile and waited my daughter to wake up.

The backyard vegetable garden of my mother

While waiting for my daughter to wake up, I asked a little amount of vegetable in their backyard for our dinner. They have a small vegetable garden and I was inspired by their project.

Later on, my daughter Ezra wakes up at 3:30pm. I packed her things on her bag and we are ready to go home.

We rode on a tricycle in going home. This time, there are no traffic yet so we arrived home 15-20 minutes drive.

When we were at home, my husband is already preparing for the dinner of my two daughters. A part of our routine every afternoon is to go out to the neighborhood to expose our children in the environment. After they eat their dinner, we bring them to the neighborhood where rain waters became fishpond.

Ezra and her friend

Ezra is always excited in any water activities. Everytime she sees a pond, a water or any big area of water, she thinks thaat fishes lives there. She likes the pet fish that is why we have fish aquarium at home. This afternoon, we let her play but with careful assistance becauae the water is not clean. She indeed enjoys it but we went home a while so we can prepare for sleeping time.

It has been a long day for me. I was a bit frustrated because we never had a family vacation this June. But I am always grateful for the life that I owe to the Creator.

This has been my diary game, I am inviting @eliany @el-nailul @uzma4882 to visot my post and share your diary, too.


Truly yours,


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