social service work cleaning the mosque environment welcomes the birthday #club5050

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 

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30% Prize Donated to Charity Account : @worldsmile @adollaraday

In order to welcome the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the villagers of Nibong organize community service work to clean the environment of the Istiqomah Meurah Mulia Mosque, North Aceh Regency, The purpose of this activity is to welcome the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in 1439 H and to keep the mosque environment clean neat and beautiful.

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Before doing the cleaning, we were also given our respective tasks

This activity was well received by the surrounding community and received support from community leaders and was supported by cross-sectoral sub-districts, they also helped in this clean-up activity.

The head of the KUA of the Meurah Mulia sub-district has arranged that this activity is one of the PAI programs that they have planned to welcome the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Therefore, it is the PAI's obligation to implement it.

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TNI and police participate in social service with the community

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@irawandedy also participates in social service cleaning the mosque environment

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to find out that the clean-up work program can run smoothly and hope that with this activity PAI in the community will increasingly feel the benefits and of course great community support can make PAI even more active in carrying out religious activities in the community.

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Keigiatan yang sangat mulia dal bergotong royong untuk persiapan maulid menjadi hari maulid menjadi semarak dalam menyambutnya.


Kekompakan dalam gotong royong menyambut hari maulid 💪💪 semoga acaranya semarak dan lancar

