The dairy game || 11 November 2023|| Funeral at Tamale

in hive-153970 •  8 months ago 
Hello fellow steemians, it’s been a very long I posted on this noble platform. This was due to some challenges I faced in the past and I hope not to face those challenges again.

Anyway, it has been a very fruitful day today and I wish to share my day with you. I hope you enjoy my first post in a long time.

During the previous week, I got bad news from a very close friend of mine that her dad had passed. It was very sad because I knew this man. The funeral was on 11th November, which was a Saturday in Tamale. We were told there was going to be a wakekeeping so we had to get to Tamale on Friday.

Right after work on Friday, my friend and I went home, freshened up, and set off for tamale. We got to the station only to find out there was no available mini car. Sot I had to get a night bus. After waiting for about 3 hours, the bus arrived and we joined. We finally set off at around 8:00 pm.

We got to Tamale at 01:00 am due to delays on the road. They had already started the wakekeeping when we got there. We greeted the family, had a little chat with our sister, and went back to our rooms.

On the Saturday, the funeral started at 06:00 am. I woke up, prepared, and went to take my seat. It was a very sad day for everyone. The deceased was like a dad to many, a friend to many, and a brother to a whole lot more. There was a lot of crying. The funeral was early because the corpse had to be transported to a far place for burial.

At the funeral service very early in the morning

After the corpse was taken away, the funeral had a break for a while then we went back to continue. This time around, the chance was given to well-wishers who wished to support the family with money to make their donations. A lot of people showed their love and care.


Parking after the break to a new location for the funeral

We decided to leave at around 5:00 pm to our home(Navrongo). Thus, a four-hour drive from Tamale so we had to leave early. We got to the station and luckily for us, we caught the last car for the day. We joined the car and we set off for Navrongo.

At the bus station waiting for our bus

It was a very sad day for everyone and my condolences to the family. Thanks for reading and I hope you loved my post.

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