Mini Crypto Program || Understanding of Blockchain

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 

Mini Crypto Program, Part 3


"Mini Crypto Program" Hopefully can provide initial training to take Crypto Academy courses and become a place to help new users prepare to take courses provided by @steemitblog so that they will add new user participants to take the course.

And now it's time for STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE to provide an opportunity for beginners with a reputation under 60 and reputation above 60 to take part in the Mini Crypto practice, because we see the enthusiasm of beginners in joining "Mini Crypto Program Part 2" is very high and we get very good input from all Steemian circles, therefore we Steem Education Community re-launch "Mini Crypto Program Part 3" and win the Upvote vote from @booming.

As provided by @steemitblog in preparing for Crypto Academy Season 3 yesterday, we will provide special exercises that can be followed by all beginners who were not part of the Crypto Academy.

The exercises available in the Mini Crypto Program are sourced from Crypto academics who have attended Crypto Academy Season 3, and all courses have been assessed by Crypto Professors. And this Mini Crypto Program Part 3 is my corrected homework and all information can be seen at the end of the post.
The exercises that can be followed in the Mini Crypto Program, Part 3 are as follows;

"Understanding of Blockchain"

The exercises are as follows;

  • What do you know about blockchain?
  • Describe one type of blockchain!
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the type of blockchain you choose!
  • Visit Blockchain Demo, and what did you learn from that page? (screenshot required)
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using blockchain technology!
  • Conclusion!

We will improve the assessment of this Mini Crypto Program, Therefore, we updated some of the rules in Mini Crypto Program Part 3.

The Role of "Mini Crypto Program"

  • New user with reputation under -60.
  • Exercise posts will be reviewed by the Steem Education Team and if they reach the target score above 5+ will receive a percentage of votes from @booming.
  • For Steemit users who follow "Mini Crypto Program", it is forbidden to do plagiarism, if they do the plagiarism, they are not allowed to follow this next program
  • Post on STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE using tags; #minicrypto3- #cyptoandme-#steemexclusive -#yourcountry (ex. #indonesia)- at the first tag
  • Homework posts must be at least 350 words.
  • Every image used must be from a copyright-free source and fully referenced.
  • Posts posted outside the specified time limit will not be judged.
  • All exercises are written in correct English form.
  • Invite 3 of your friends to join this Mini Crypto Program and reesteem this post so that many participants will take part in this program
  • Write the exercise with the title (Mini Crypto Program Part 3 || "Understanding of Blockchain", by...)
  • Set a 10% payout for to increase activity in the community.

  • For those who have participated in the Mini Crypto Program 3 times, and got a score above 8.5+, we really hope that you can take part in the Crypto Academy because we want you to learn more with the experts and your Post homework will be assessed by Professors who have verified by the Steemit team.

  • For Steemit users who have a reputation above 60 and have never attended Crypto Academy, we from Steem Education welcome them to learn and join us in the Mini Crypto Program Part 3 by participating in The Role of Mini Crypto Program Part 3 which has been determined.

The assessments that we will provide are as follows;

Understanding the topic
Compliance with Topic
Clarity of Language
Quality of Analysis
Grand total

We remind you to pay attention to each assigned Role properly and use the correct tags so that we can read your exercises.

All exercises will be assessed by the Steem Education Team and by myself @liasteem.
Practice collection time is until September 20, 2021 23.59 WIB.

Exercise posts can only be submitted once, so do your exercise carefully.

Here Announcement!

Crypto Academy Season 4 has started, for all Steemit users, they can take every course provided.
Good luck and let's learn Crypto together.

Thank you all Steemian,
I thank you very much and support all Steemians and all of Team Steemit.

Let's study together and good luck!!!

Best regards,
@irawandedy Team


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Great 😊
Please when is the submission date ?

Until 20 September 23.59 WIB

17:00 GMT in Ghana Time
Okay thanks so much 😊

Apa tidak bisa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, terlalu sulit melakukan pengeditan jika menggunakan bahasa Inggris .

Program ini untuk memperkenalkan Crypto Academy dan sebagai latihan awal untuk mengikuti kursus Crypto Academy, dan disana menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Oleh karena itu brother @miftahulrizky
😇 Coba saja, kita tidak akan tahu hasilnya saat kita tidak mencoba

Benar juga, yasudah saya akan berusaha dan mencobanya...

Mantap mantap

Cool.. Semoga bek salah posting lei lagei kejadian minicrypto 2🙈

@liasteem should we drop the link to the assignment here too?

Please, but you must use the true tag, cause i Will correct your exercise from this tag.
Thanks you 🙂

Yeah, I used the true tags as you stated.

Sepertinya ini menarik saya ingin mencoba nya😁


Hi @liasteem

I've submitted my assignment already. The link is above in the comment section


Oh iya kak mau tanya nih, berarti kalau nanti seandainya arya berhasil dapat nilai diatas 8 lagi, berarti arya harus pindah ke Crypto Academy kan kak ??? dan arya udah gabisa posting di MiniCrypto ini lagi kan kan ??? Bener gitu kak ??? Terima kasih

ia... sekarangpun bole eeeee....hehe

Baru aja arya postign di Mini Crypto 3, emang boleh kak posting crypto academy ??? nanti minicryptonya gak bisa lagi hehehe

bole, kan program ini diciptakan untuk mendukung para beginner mengenal dan akhirnya mengikuti kursus di crypto academy, cuman lebih baik disana, ada prof. ahli yang menilai...

Ouh jadi menurut kakak Arya udah sanggup nih untuk pindah kesana ??? kayak takut masih sama kemampuan arya, soalnya disana udah pada pro pasti ya kak, kalau arya udah kesana Arya gabisa ikut minicrypto lagi kan ??? kamu pasti bisa aryaaa ,hehehe

Saya yakin anda pasti bisa!
Tuh, @rizkyblangpadang udah ikotan Crypto Academy...😀

Nyusul bg @rizkyblangpadang kita habis ini kak, pelan-pelan kak takut nanti gak bisa nampung nih otak kak kalau kebanyakan diserap wwkkwkw

mantap... asal ada kemauan.... hehe

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

@liasteem If someone gets 5, will the person get booming vote too?

the score 5+ that Will get the upvote of booming.

Please, I don't understand.

So a score of 5 won't get booming vote?

5,1 or 5,2, or 5,3........10
You must try better in the next exercise,

Missed the last two. Won't miss this one for thw world. Let's goo

Kak kan Alhamdulillah Arya Udah 2 kali dapat nilai diatas 8, berarti kalau di minicrypto 3 ini Arya dapat Nilai diatas 8 lagi Arya udah bisa lanjut ke Crypto Academy kan kak ??? Bener gitu kan kak ???

Betol betol betol
Kalo mau, silahkan dari sekarang aja😀

Bukan Gamau kak, Tapi SBD kalau convert ke SP untuk power Up masih 100an kuran 50 SP lagi, makanya ini akan buat yang bagus biar bisa dapat kurasi, setelah itu mari sama-sama kita berjumpa di Crypto Academy ya kakak ,hehehehe

banyak in tulis postingan dan post dibeberapa komunitas lain, insyaallah cepat naiknya... saya juga sedang berusaha seperti anda @aryadwigantara


My assignment hasn't been marked yet.

This is my assignment post link

Duh deadline nya jam 12 nntik ya kak, aku pikir bsok deadline nya.. Santai2 lah aku, baru 3 soal ku jawab, kebiasaan lupa deadline karena lihat umur postingan patokannya..🤦🤦

Aku post aja bsok cutkak @liasteem ya walaupun gak di nilai, yang penting niatnya kan..🤐🤐

Lebih baik buat Crypto Academy yang Beginner, task 2 kalo gx salah...
Sama aj kog,
Kalo dsana gx ada batas waktu...

Makasih infonya kak 👍👍👍


@liasteem, I have posted my work for some days now and it hasn't been marked.

Please @liasteem when will mini crypto 4 start?


I got 8.5 and I haven't received booming vote. Please I need it

@liasteem when will minicrypto4 start?