The Diary Game Better Life // Tomorrow is the first day of fasting, today is the first day of Tarawih (01-03-2025)

in hive-153970 •  yesterday 

Assalamu Alaikum

Assalamu Alaikum. I hope everyone is well, I am also well. Today is Saturday, college is closed. Tomorrow is the first day of fasting, today is the first day of Tarawih. So the day will be a little busy. I woke up at 7 am. I woke up and went to the washroom to freshen up. Then I sat down to eat. Aunty made khichdi today, Alhamdulillah, it was delicious to eat. After eating, I lay down for a while,



Then I took a shower and sat down to eat lunch. But today's lunch didn't taste that good. So I couldn't eat it all. Later, I saw that the others were in the same situation. The problem was with the rice, so today's rice wasn't that good. Then I sat and spent some time. Then I went to the roof. Today, the brinjal trees were reported on the roof. I sat alone on the roof for a while. Then a friend came and we had a little chat. Today, the roof was completely filled with clothes.




Then I came to the room, freshened up, took the money and went to the market, I needed to buy some things. On the way back, I went to a shop and bought soap and some food. Then I came to the room. We talked at home. After a while, my aunt came. I spent time with her.



Then it was time to eat, I went to prayer. I went to Rangpur Neskot to pray, so I went there. After prayer, I ate beeguni with my brother at a shop. Then I came to the mess. The dinner was not that good either. So I went to sleep without eating.


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