Source: Canva Design
Be Steadfast
The journey of a thousand miles they say, begins with a step, but sometimes, this statement turns out to be contradicting when we are faced with life struggles and at some point we don't even remember that we have taken a step. Permit me to share a little from my experience in life.
I took a job in a renown supermarket as a floor attendant, within my first week in the job, I was faced with so much difficulties, like trying to relate with my co-workers, getting used to the system and so on. I was as well faced with the issue of relating with customers as that was my first time working in a place where I need to communicate directly with customers, I started the first day, it felt embarrassing when I met with a customer and she looked at me from head to toe, probably because my clothes weren't nice, I was putting on my high school sandals and it wasn't nice at all. I couldn't cope anymore, but then, do I have to keep my dream of managing a big fame aside because I am faced with such difficulties?, Do I have to quit and start all over again when I have already taken the step of fending for myself and not reltying on anyone to provide my daily needs?. These questions kep coming, I knew I took a step, but was this step taking me forward or backward? All my life then, I was scared that one day I will have to leave my comfort zone, where I didn't have to pay for electricity bill, water bill, buying my own groceries. But I knew I took a step.
The next week, I had to quit the job and took another challenging phase of my life, I left my locality to the state capital, where I had nothing to fall back to, I went ahead to seek for a more greener pasture where I had no one. I was given a call that day and I was asked if I could manage a supermarket, I told the person that called me "yes", but, why would I say that when I haven't managed a kiosk shop before?, It became challenging when I was called yet again to resume as the branch manager of the supermarket (all these happened because my eldest sister put a call through to one of the agent), I left to the place and started, I will tell you, I made alot of mistakes, my first month over there was more of a nightmare to me, was it my dream to manage a bigger fame?, yes it was but at that moment, I felt I wasn't ready, I went ahead to keep undermining the strength within me. The second month came, I did a little bit above average, this is after I have been reading so much about management skills and it prospects. From here was when I knew I was going to deal with this fear and make something out of it, the third month, I was able to impress my boss and he came straight to me and confess how proud he was of me. Also, I decided to do something different from what I had been doing for the past three months, I engaged so much on learning Internet marketing, and for real the sales margin increased. I was opened to alot of offers and opportunities,This was a step I'd really think will never lead me anywhere.Challenge
• Wakeup everyday with the mindset of kicking challenges and giving solutions to them, no one is as strong as you are within. • Set goals both short term and long term, make sure you are working towards it. • Be disciplined, work based on principles so you don't loose sight of your dream. • Just keep moving no matter how hard it is, you can't afford to risk your dreams.SUMARRY
There are times your steps will seem as if it's not taking you anywhere, don't look at the process, just trust it and keep moving forward, there are better days that will delete the pains of the former. Be ready to learn while pursuing your dreams, it can never get better when you don't open your mind to new challenges, life itself is a big challenge to whoever is breathing. Keep being real. See you at the top.