The Diary Game [01/08/2024] & [02/08/2024] The Most Stressful Days At Workplace

in hive-153970 •  2 months ago  (edited)

shots with Honor 8 Lite

Steem greetings to all my friends in the platform, I hope y'all are doing great. It's a privilege to share my diary game with you all and I really appreciate each and everyone in the platform for always visiting my blog.

It all started on the 1st of August, 2024, I woke up very early in the morning in good an sound health and I said some prayers before getting off the bed after that, I checked on the time, it was 6:25am so I decided go on with my morning routine, so after my daily routine I brush my teeth and shower before proceeding to other things. Since I had enough time I decided to carry on some research about Calculating LOW PASS FILTER (LPF) for my next Project. This didn't took much time before I could round up.

While researching I was thinking of what to take as breakfast because I knew I had nothing in the kitchen aside from garri, and immediately am done with the research I step out to get moi moi so I could use it to sipe garri before I left to work.

breakfast with moi moi & garri

At the moment I was done with my breakfast, it was already 7:32am so I hurry up and leave.
So, at the office everything was just fine until we were locked inside due to national protest so I and my colleague use the moment to snap up some pictures before work commence not knowing the control room is active and we're being captured by Security Camara (cctv).

IMG_20240801_234823.jpgI and my paddy

Some minutes after we resume work, our supervisor came in and call I and my paddy (colleague) to his office, at his office we were asked to fill up (work overtime) form and also to sumit it with our bags and smartphone without saying a word. At this point, it was tight for me because I did not had enough breakfast which could take me at least till night so we started begging but he didn't care to hear us out.

Hmmm, We gave up on begging him since he didn't listen and then we both submitted our belongings and returned to duty, this was so frustrating because I did not prepared for this.

My mood changed, I was so angry but later realize that none of it could help so I remain calm and focus on my target till 2:05am midnight, at this point I've already exhaust all my strength and I was very weak and hungry and no where to get some snacks because it was night. I manage to sleep since the punishment is going to end by morning

Day two at work [02/08/2024]

I woke up today not so good as I was having a stomach ache with a slight headache and body pain due to the stressful night and hunger, so I talk to my God in prayers and after praying I went straight to the check out office to sign out so I can get back my belonging, after getting my things complete, I make a phone call with my friend who lives close to my workplace and ask for a favor to stop by and eat something before heading home, he accepted so I branch the nearest supermarket and bought two packs of noodle and my favorite moi moi

indomie and moi moi

The moment I arrived his place, I gave him the noodles to help prepare for me. At this point I did not have enough time to get to my house before going back to work, so I decided to shower at his place while he was in the kitchen preparing meal for me, coming out of bathroom my breakfast was ready, wow. I was happy because I have finally see food to eat.

breakfast is ready

So after eating I told him what happened yesterday while on duty and instead of him telling me sorry rather he was just laughing at me. Few minutes later he noticed my hair wasn't looking good so he took me to the nearest barbing salon to lower my hair because it was out of style without my notice.

hair cut

By this time it was already getting late so I hungry and freshen up the second time and left to work.

Immediately I arrived at the workplace, I headed straight to the factory to checkout on my today's task so could start working on time. While checking I notice I've been given a total of 3,120 holes to drill and dress on the packaging using hand drilling machine which is approximately 78 hole on each package *40pcs equals 3,120, I wasn't happy at all because I know how stressful it going to be added to the previous stressed but I had no other option than to carry on the task.

Drilling holes on the packagings

After drilling holes on 33 packs I got tired an hungry, during break time I got some snacks to eat as lunch and continue working till I finished up.

Coming back from work I was so tired and exhausted since I had no food stuff in the house i bought rice on my way home, as I reached the house I go straight to the kitchen and start cooking

Preparing dinner

And after putting all the ingredients in the food I rushed to shower as the food wasn't yet to be done


About eating

Coming out from bathroom my food was done, so I had my diner peacefully and after eating I decided to share with you my stressful diary game.

Thank you for reading ♥️

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