My father's hobby is pepper cultivation.

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Chilli is a cash crop in our country. Chilli is our commonly used spice. Chili can be eaten both raw and ripe.


Although my father is a businessman, he grows chillies as a hobby. Planted pepper trees in some unused places in our house. He bought about 100 pepper plants from the market for 100 rupees. He bought these plants from the market and soaked them with water. To keep the plants fresh.


Before he planted these small saplings, the area he decided to plant was overgrown with weeds. He cleaned all the weeds well. When the soil is cleaned, he digs it with a spade and turns the soil.


After churning the soil, organic manure is mixed there and refined well. Then he went to the market and mixed it well with urea fertilizer from the market, adding poison so that the insects could not attack the roots of the tree.


When the soil is well mixed, he plants the pepper seedlings. After planting, he watered the saplings. He watered the pepper plant twice daily. May the pepper plants stay fresh.After a few days of irrigation, break the soil if it appears so that the roots get the necessary light and air. It increases the growth of plants. Weeds are cleared when they appear and loosened by hoeing during application of top dressing.


A variety of soil and seedborne pathogens are responsible for pepper diseases. Damping off, root rot, root rot are among the diseases. These diseases usually occur at the seedling stage.The above diseases are spread by fungi called Pythium and Rhizoctonia. The seeds may rot immediately after sowing in the seedbed, or the seedlings may become pale, weak and limp after emergence. Water-soaked spots develop at the base of young seedlings and the seedlings droop and die. The way to protect from this disease is to clean the seeds of pepper.Mites and thrips attack pepper fields. All these insects can be controlled by spraying Malathion mixed with 2 grams per liter of water for remediation.


This is how my father takes care of the tree. After a long wait, our pepper plants have pepper. Then he grows pepper at home when the tree is fully ripe.

My introduction post link:

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