Assalam Alaikum Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your work. This is a great contest which discussed important social issues and gave people an opportunity to write about their social problems problems. So first of all I want to describe the unemployment in detail
The meaning of unemployed is that the person is able to work and willing to work and if he does not find work, we call this person unemployed.Eligible refers to a certain age period in which the person is said to be able to work. About 16 years to 70 years means the age that falls within this period is generally considered to be able to work.
That is vary from country to country in pakistan mostly at 60 year age people's take retirement from job and according to ILO(international labour organisation) age of labour force is laying between 16 to 60 year old.
- Seasonal unemployment
There are also sectors and works in the world which have a specific time means the work in the sugar factory in Pakistan starts from the harvesting season of the sugarcane field and lasts for 3-4 months, after that the works are finished. This kind of unemployment is called seasonal unemployment. There are many examples of such unemployment such as the work of picking certain fruits etc after that certain period you gob is ended
- Cyclical unemployment
This is the type of unemployment that is affected by the business cycle, meaning that when business conditions are bad, firms lose money and lay off more of their workers to minimize their expenditures.
According to me, there are many economic and social reasons for the increase in unemployment due to which unemployment is increasing day by day.
- The first reason is the lack of skilled education. People have degrees but are not learning the skills. Due to this, firms are not getting jobs as per their requirements.
- The second reason is the advancement in technology in today's modern era, there have been inventions that have replaced humans and machines have the ability to do more and better work than manpower, which also leads to an increase in unemployment. There have been things like robots and artificial agents that are performing better than the average worker.
- The third reason is the economic downturn as the business cycle is affected thereby increasing unemployment.
- The reason for this is inflation. For the past few years, inflation has increased rapidly, which is the main cause of unemployment, because whenever there is inflation in any economy, the prices of goods and services increase, so the demand for it increases. A shortage occurs, which reduces production, which causes firms to lose and lay off workers.
- People not finding work according to their standards and qualifications or their lack of interest in what they are doing is also a reason for unemployment, why they leave their current job in search of a better one and the market is tough. New work is not easily found due to competition
First of all making people aware of skilled education reading the subject which is in demand in the market this way people can get job easily besides learning modern style of education changing oneself with time new methods. Learning means if a firm has new machinery then learning it quickly so you can keep your job by updating your skills and in addition there are many duties of the government. Exemptions can also make it easier for firms to cut costs and hire more workers.Unemployment can also be reduced by forming labor unions and enforcing labor laws
Now , I would like to thanks @irawandedy for organizing this content. I would like to invite @iqra-rubab, @nalaimzahra and @arbaz1 to take part in the contents quickly.
Best Regards
Musa Khan (mr-joker)