Charles Chaplin quotes that we can apply in life

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago 

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In the course of life, we meet wonderful people who are responsible for leaving symbolic traces on our path. They in their own way, capture that indelible mark that allows us to learn and at the same time, evolve every day. Now, the most important thing in this is that, these traces are only not printed in our soul by people we know personally or failing that, they are part of our daily lives because, it can also happen with artistic figures that we only see on a TV screen or cinema.

Charles Chaplin

Image Taken from the Original Author

One of the people who has the most legacy in the teaching of life is the actor and teacher Charles Chaplin. This great star of the audiovisual world used humor and his suspicious way of seeing life to convey lessons of resilience and motivation. He through silent cinema is considered the best actor of the comedy genre that just by using body language, conquered and continues to conquer millions of hearts with his great talent and desire to want to build a world full of nobility. It should be noted that, although Chaplin lacked sound, this was not an impediment to immortalize himself as the genius of inspiration and self-help to live a better life for it, I share some phrases of him that we can apply in our day to day with the intention of improving in those aspects that we consider necessary.

Never forget to smile, because the day you don't smile, it will be a lost day

Image Taken from the Original Author

With this phrase, Master Charles invites us to remember that in life, we must always carry the flag of optimismbecause, everything that happens in our environment is better to see it in a positive way and, this is achieved when our thoughts and even feelings do not revolve on the bad things that happened to us in the past because, All these events have already happened and when we live the good things that are happening to us in the present, we do not give space to frustrations and fully enjoy all the blessings that are for us. Keep in mind that a good smile on the face is synonymous with giving the opportunity to joy and gratitude for living.

I am what I am: a unique and different man

Image Taken from the Original Author

Perhaps since we read this sentence in the first instance, we think it is the biggest challenge we can pose to ourselves since, all human beings are totally different. However, this is what allows everything to be better because, each one of us has the opportunity to create our brand from a different aspect and thus, make it clear that despite not being equal, we can contribute and at the same time, learn from all the essences because, precisely allthose differences allow us to be authentic and firm when making our own decisions and feel better about ourselves.

Life is wonderful if you are not afraid of it

One of the novelties that most occur in common is that, at certain times, fear manages to take over us and, this is something terrible because, it neutralizes us as well as, that feeling takes over our interior. Because of this it is essential that we keep in mind that fear makes us people unable to achieve anything and at the same time, we are vulnerable to everything. At this point, it is essential to remember that, only we have the faculty to give for it, we can not allow fear to act for usand to achieve this, we have the task of daring to face everything that generates fear because without this feeling, we open the opportunity to enjoy the exciting things we have in life.

To really laugh, you must be able to endure your pain and play with it.

Image Taken from the Original Author

In our daily lives, there are millions of situations that easily lead us to episodes of anguish and are so strong that, in some cases, it has happened that we cannot stand them. This situation is conducive to making us feel the greatest pain of our lives and thanks to this scenario, demotivation prevents us from looking for solutions to the problem. For this reason it is vital to learn that anguish or suffering does not define us since, we are people with admirable strengths and if we make use of them, we can put aside pessimism to open the door to optimism. Keep in mind that, we have a high level of intelligence, we will use it to overcome all the pain that may touch us when living an uncomfortable situation.

Without absolute self-confidence, one is destined to fail.

Image Taken from the Original Author

It is necessary to keep in mind that trust is a very fundamental factor in the context of our development because, in case of not trusting us, we automatically become insecure people and full of fear particularities that prevent us from achieving all the goals that we have set ourselves to fulfill. Now, if we dare to trust ourselves, we have the opportunity to know ourselves better, we love each other, we know how to make decisions, we will be able to enjoy the quality of life and we assume all the challenges that are presented to us. Remember that the smile is the perfect key that opens the door of our inner confidence when having to face everyday conflicts. We will dare to assume the experiences with a good attitude.

In conclusion, life will always be full of bad moments that lead us to experience suffering. However, we all have the ability to face them with optimism and thus, enjoy all the wonders that life has for us because, our goal is to live with attitude and positive style transforming in this way everything bad into good things.

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