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Life is full of wonderful things and moments, however, in this aspect we can never put realism aside because, although we have millions of reasons to always focus on the positive aspects, this particularity can fail if we do not try hard enough.
With a positive attitude we can overcome all obstacles
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When we sit down to reflect on the things that happen to us in life we understand that living to the fullest implies being willing to overcome setbacks and at the same time, accept that all the time we are not going to get what we have planned. This story is the reality of all human beings and even animals also experience it and because of this we realize that, the reaction we have to these situations, is totally adverse for this reason, it is essential that we learn to enhance our resilience because, this characteristic is the perfect key if we want to live life with optimism and overcoming the bad things that happen to us.
Attitude is crucial to building resilience
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Now, in order to potentiate resilience, we must be clear about what it means to be resilient since, this term is coined to a person whohas the ability to adapt positively to all adverse situations that occur. A resilient person has the ability to emerge strengthened from those complicated moments that he has been experiencing and, this he does by seeing beyond the positive things that happen in his environment. Keep in mind that resilience is also linked to the ability we can have when properly managing our emotions, a particularity that is essential if we want to face all the conflicts that have occurred.
Adversity also has opportunities
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In addition to this, the most indispensable thing we must keep in mind is that resilience gives us all the energy we need when overcoming the obstacles that are presented to usand, this we do with a positive attitude. A curious aspect of resilience is that several studies have confirmed that resilience is a quality that we can acquire genetically. That is, a born resilient person is one who applies this attitude because he acquires it in his personality, however, some people develop resilience over the course of life and all the novelties that occur in their environmenttherefore, we have the faculty of being able to enhance our resilience.
We are full of virtues and this is beneficial to develop resilience
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Due to the above, the best way to start the process to enhance our resilience is to know in the first instance all the external and internal factors that can influence our emotionssince, in this way we have the possibility of identifying what our strengths and weaknesses are in order to start working on enhancing and transforming what is necessary as well as, The particularities that do not add up, must be eliminated 100% because, the idea is to acquire all the mastery of emotions and thus discipline ourselves to see life in a positive way knocking down all the adversities that surround us.
After knowing all the factors that surround us, the process of accepting what is happening to us begins, however, in this aspect we must bear in mind that we will not do it from one moment to another. This is something that is done progressively, the important thing is that we are willing to accept to later start the process of accepting and even overcome what is necessary. After these two steps, the next one we must act on is to focus on finding the good things that all the situations we are living have, including the bad times because, in these there are also many learnings.
Resilience also heals our mind
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Remember that, resilience has optimism in its DNA for it, if we really want to be resilient, we must be positive while remaining realistic. That is, we cannot stay anchored in the negative aspects minimizing the positive and, we must not be optimistic to the maximum because you can not aspire things that humanly speaking are unattainable. In order to focus on resilience, although it seems strange, the sense of humor has a leading role because, if we have the ability to laugh at ourselves or failing that, at an adversity that happens to us, we can easily develop resilience because,good humor will always help reduce the anxiety that causes us an uncomfortable experience.
We are stronger than any adversity
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It should be noted that personal factors are not the only important elements to potentiate resilience since there are also external ones, as I mentioned initially and, among them stands out when we are facing a complex situation and we have formal or social support since, this allows to develop the feeling of trust for this reason, Family, friends and partner will always be indispensable elements in our life to achieve the right emotional balanceBecause of this, if we are going through a difficult time, do not isolate ourselves from our loved ones since, they are an excellent air of resilience.
In conclusion, it is vital that we keep in mind all the factors that I have shared with them if we want to enhance our resilience. Now, in the first instance it will seem complicated to adapt to a situation of change and, we will feel that things will not go well, however, keep in mind that a change implies evolution and in everything that surrounds us, there are millions of opportunities that we can take advantage of always beingresilient people. Let us remember that, if today we fall, tomorrow we have the duty to get up.