Assalamu Alaykum, I'm @nihima-jannat50
Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.
I woke up in the morning and freshened up. Then I made the bed and swept it. Then I swept the yard of the house. The leaves on the trees were falling and looking dirty. At this time, the leaves are falling in a storm and sweeping the trees is of no use, it becomes dirty again. Even then, I cleaned it and saw how good it was. Then every day a man brings vegetables to our area to sell. Then my mother bought red vegetables from him for eight or ten taka, everything costs so much. Then I saved the vegetables. I saved them now, the work was ahead. Later, I just have to wash them. Then I ordered a soap online a few days ago, and the delivery man delivered it today. I brought it to see how beautiful the soap was, I could also smell a beautiful sweet scent and I felt like eating it. But it is not something to eat. Now I will use it and understand how useful it is. Then I took a picture of myself.
It's noon now. It's been a month now, so it feels like time doesn't want to go by, but in fact, it's not like there's less work than a day, so time doesn't pass. I don't realize how time passes by while I was working earlier. Then I took a bath. It was a bit cold after taking a bath today so I went to the bathroom and stood for a while. Now I was feeling very tired again as my face was already dry. Then I sat down to read a book. I haven't sat down to read even once today. Then after finishing reading, I got up and went outside for a while, chatted with my sisters for a while. I always feel good when I'm with them. Then I came home and helped my mother with her work. Today I invited my cousins for iftar at our house again. My mother made a lot of iftar for them. I made purple, onion and potato chops, my mother made everything else. Then we all sat down together to have iftar, now it's time for iftar and the Maghrib call was given. We all had iftar. The guests also went home.
Then I had iftar and rested for a while. Then I got up and washed the dishes. Now I will cook for the bhata. Now I cook bhata every evening. I took the beef from the fridge and soaked it. Then I cooked the red vegetables that I cooked in the morning and cooked them. Then I cooked the dal. I haven't eaten lentils for a long time, so I cooked lentils today. Then I made potato stuffing. I will eat them in this dish. And I cooked beef for Sehri. I cooked everything right now. I won't have the energy to do anything else later. Then I finished all the work and ate the food I was going to eat. Then I went and made the bed and went to bed. I will sleep now, Allah Hafez.