Contest- The Importance of Reading A Newspaper

in hive-153970 •  10 months ago 



Greetings to all of us, some of us loves to read newspapers, and this thing is already made many, many years. Before I will proceed to my main topic in connection with this wonderful contest, first I will share my opinions about Newspaper. Since when there are still no any gadgets in the society, people always love to read news papers. Newspapers are everywhere in differents parts of the country and they really want to buy so that they can read the news or any informative articles published in the thing. Our ancestors and our Father also loves to read news papers because of the news happens in the soceity or in the country we living in. There are lots of historical events happens before the newspapers form and be popular in the society and as for me, this thing is very helpful and important.

There are few Questions regarding with the topics given, and this are the questions:

  • Do you read the newspapers everyday?
  • What kind of news do you usually follow?
  • How do most people get the news in your Country?
  • Do you think International news in important?

For me, I often read a newspapers honestly, the reason why I only read a newspapers often is because our place is far away from urbanized place. It needs to travel a few miles before I reached the market place. Different kinds of news papers are sell at the super market and the only one can read this everyday is those who near at the Market place. There are no any newsboy who ride in a bicycle and throwed some newspapers at the ground. I really wish it would have and this will be very important here in our place, because all of us are fun reading news papers article.


The kind of news I always read everytime when there is any new updated news papers is the news about economy. Since when I was in highschool, thet time when I am still not in the Crypto World, I already read Global economy news. This article contains an important information just like Market prizes just like USD prices and other kinds of currencies. By reading the news about Global economy, we can also know the situations of each countries , their GDP or Gross Domestic Product, the In-Demand products , insufficient products of the place and most of all the currency exchange.

There are some news I also read and most of it are sports news, Local news and travel contents. Most of the newspapers contains a travel news in which it posted at the news papers about the beautiful places including its descriptions about the place, so people will have an ideas about the beautiful place.


The news mostly get is from Social media. In this modern World, Gadgets and any high tech materials are already spreading and booming in our society. Most of the news are getting in the social media, it can easily and instantly be posted and in fact, before the news printed in the newspapers from the publishing companies first it was posted in the social media. The pictures and the news contents are captured through camera and typed in the computers before printing it. But in Rural areas, a place far away from crowded areas just like sitios, the residents are depending on the news papers. They will courage to went to the market just to buy some, and also Radios are also helpful. In far flang places, particularly those place far from electricity, Radios are very important. Even if there are no electricity and televisions used, still they can heard and know the news through radios.


For me, International News is a kind really important to all people, so that we can know the different kinds of situations on each place or Countries. We re born in modern World were many kinds of gadgets always looking and capturing the interesting news and trendings. Just one click and there goes the news content. Aside of that, the news companies have also their rights and permission to covered and picking the exact and relaible contents or news in the place. We can also called Newspapers as an eye in the society because it gives us different kind of information on different kinds of the Countries.

I would like to invite my friend namely @jb123, @olivia08 and @jurich60.

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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Thank you for the support.

I live 15 kilometres away from the nearest village, no neighbours but I never read a newspaper to stay updated 🤔

How do you know what is written in the paper about other countries is true?

Well there are also people owns radios, I also read news papers often. 😊
