The Diary Game Season 3, Better Life ( Wednesday 4 April 2022) My activities all day long

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemit Friends..
On April 4, 2022, I met my friends again and hung out in the computer lab for friendship and had a long conversation about crypto and several other blockchains. My friend @sisol invited me back to post on steemit as usual a few months ago. After I consider there is no harm in posting again while saving some photos on steemit media.

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The main purpose of going to the school computer lab is actually because I'm bored at home and there's nothing else I can do, then there's a laptop I can't use for editing my photos a month ago. Finally I contacted @sisol to go to the lab to talk, but before he got to his destination I came early to edit some photos so that when he came he was already chatting casually. While chatting I tried to make a photo editing preset for android and photoshop pc and the results we can apply to the two android devices that we carry.

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Because it was noon we went back to our respective homes and arrived at the house my handsome boy invited me to play on the street in front of the house. After I gave him his favorite shoes he immediately took him for a walk and ran along the streets and yards until he was bored and tired.

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After playing at home he invited him to play at his grandmother's house because his distant cousin had arrived home and he was very happy to play with them so I just followed him to my grandmother's house in the village next door. Arriving at my grandmother's house she immediately looked for her grandmother and then played with her cousin and I chose to rest for a while.

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After playing, I went home and when I got home my wife took me to the market to buy some daily necessities for the kitchen. The little one went there to shop at the market and was carried by his mother, after shopping we went home and the little one taught to play again at his cousin's place until the afternoon.

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Finally at 18 pm we went back to the market to buy some snacks to eat before eating rice and we bought some snacks and the little one chose his own favorite cake then went straight home, after arriving home the little one immediately asked for food and milk. At 18.43 pm we broke our fast with our small family and took turns praying maghrib even the little one was busy eating his favorite cake until 20 o'clock he fell asleep and we finally rested all night.


Halo Sahabat Steemit..
Tanggal 4 April 2022 saya kembali bertemu teman saya dan nongkrong di lab computer untuk silaturrahmi dan berbincang panjang lebar tentang kripto dan beberapa blockchain lainnya. Teman saya @sisol mengajak saya kembali untuk memposting di steemit seperti biasa beberapa bulan yang lalu. Setelah saya pertimbangkan tidak ada salahnya kembali posting sekaligus menyimpan beberapa foto di media steemit.

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Tujuan utama ke lab computer sekolah sebenarnya karena saya bosan dirumah dan tidak ada kegiatan yang bisa saya lakukan lagi, kemudian ada laptop tidak bias saya gunakan untuk editing foto-foto saya sebulan yang lalu. Akhirnya saya hubungi @sisol untuk menuju ke lab berbincang bincang, namun sebelum dia sampai ketempat tujuan saya dating lebih awal untuk mengedit beberapa foto sehingga ketika dia dating sudah mengobrol santai. Sambil mengobrol saya mencoba membuat sebuah preset edit foto untuk android dan photoshop pc dan hasilnya bias kami terapkan ke dua perangkat android yang kami bawa.

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Karena sudah siang kami pulang kerumah masing masing dan tiba dirumah anak laki-laki ganteng saya mengajak saya bermain di jalanan depan rumah. Setelah saya berikan dia sepatu kesukaannya dia langsung mengajak jalan dan lari-lari sepanjang jalan dan halaman rumah sampai dia bosan dan capek.

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Selesai bermain dirumah dia mengajak bermain kerumah neneknya karena sepupunya yang jauh sudah tiba dirumah dan dia sangat senang bermain bersama mereka sehingga aku ikuti saja pergi kerumah nenek dikampung sebelah. Tiba di rumah nenek dia langsung mencari neneknya dan kemudian bermain bersama saudara sepupunya dan aku memilih istirahat sebentar.

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Selesai bermain saya pulang kerumah dan tiba dirumah istri mengajak kepasar untuk membeli beberapa kebutuhan sehari hari kebutuhan didapur. Sikecilpun ikut kesana untuk belanja kepasar dan digendong ibunya, selesai belanja kami pulang kerumah dan sikecil mengajar bermain lagi ketempat sepupunya sampai sore.

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Akhirnya jam 18 wib kami pergi lagi kepasar untuk membeli beberapa cemilan untuk dimakan sebelum makan nasi dan kami membelikan beberapa cemilan dan sikecil memilih sendiri kue kesukannya kemudian langsung pulang kerumah, setelah tiba tiba dirumah sikecil langsung minta makan dan susu. Jam 18.43 wib kami berbuka puasa bersama keluarga kecil dan shalat magrib bergantian sikecilpun sibuk makan kue kesukaannya sampai jam 20 dia tertidur dan kami akhirnya beristirahat sepanjang malam.

Thank you for visiting my post, I hope you are interested and give me input from the shortcomings of my post.


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