"For we have not followed cunningly devised fabbles, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty" (2 Peter 1:16).
TODAY'S TEXT: 1 John 1:1-10
Being mentored is more than admiring someone from afar.
Mentoring is more than delivering powerful lines and making deep impressions with words. Biblical mentoring is impacting yourself into someone else. In about three years, Jesus lived with His disciples. He slept in the same house with them. He ate with them.
He walked and rode with them. It was a 24 hour thing. He asked those who could not devote that kind of time to find something else to do (Luke 9:58-62). They were together in all situations and they saw Him handle provocations and temptations.
John the beloved could boldly claim, decades later, that they (disciples) heard, saw touched Him, not in passing but consistently. John was saying that he was not making this up but rather they lived with Him and saw Him do great and mighty things. And they received Him and lived by and through Him.
Jesus is still mentoring people today. Through daily prayerful reading of the word of God, meditating on it and practicing it, one can be mentored.
And for those who wish to be mentored by men of God, it is not enough to watch someone's videos or attend his programme every now and then.
Mentoring is parenting. Absentee parenting is a tough job with uncertain outcome.
Mentoring is a tough job for the mentor and mentee but the outcome is like reproducing one's life in another.
Help me, Jesus to believe in You as You live in me until I become so much like You that I can be called a true Christian. Amen.