BETTERLIFE TEENS SOLUTION LESSON 12, MARCH 20, 2022// TOPIC: WHERE DO I LOOK?// BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 18:1,5,13-26; Psalm 19:7-11; 119:105,130: Proverbs 12:15; 15:22; Jer 42:1-17, 19-22

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 


This is the lesson for teenagers. Please allow your teenagers the opportunity to read this lesson through. It is so beautiful and beneficial.

Key Verse: Psalm James 1:5

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him (KJV).


One hundred years ago, students learned much of their information by
simply memorizing it. But in today's worid of exploding information, schools
have had to shift their educational focus from memorize this to here's how you can access, understand and apply this information.

Surprisingly, that same approach works well in the realm of a believer.
Students have access to God's Word, but are they digging in to it-unfolding
it—so they can really understand what it is saying? Do they dutifully bless their meals and thank God for His blessings and protection while trying to
wrestle through life's tough stuff all by themselves? Do they faithfully attend
Sunday School and' activities, but have no relationship with an adulit they respect and trust to give them wise counse!?

As you prepare to guide them through this study, take time to reflect on how well-equipped your students are. Do they know how to study God's Word?
Have they experienced life-changing prayer? Is there someone in their lives whom they could and would talk to when facing a tough decision? Are you that someone?

>>The Basic Message: Explain to students...


God's willis not meant to be a mystery, He wantS you to understand His plans foryour life.


If we fail to seek out the sources God gives us for learning His will, we risk missing out on the incredible plans He has for us.


Commit to seeking God's will through prayer, the Bible, and godly advice, then trust His plans no matter where they take you.

lllustration Option:


Read the following question to your students with a serious tone and a straight face, and then watch their faces.
Isn't it funny how the last place you look for something is always the
place you find it?
Some might think this question is very profound, while others will immediately catch the irony. Discuss how some things that seem obvious to one person are obscure and dificult to another

>> Study Overview: Explain that today's study considers..

That God seeks to reveal His will to each and every believer.
Why it's important to diligently seek God's will through studying His
Word, praying, and getting godly advice from believers.
The practical methods for seeking God's wisdom.

>> Inform and Discuss

a. Check out God's Word.

Guide: Read or have volunteers read Psalm 19:7-11; 119:105. Explain
that even though it is human nature to chafe under laws, God's Laws were never intended to be oppressive or restrictive for the purpose of making our
lives miserable. Instead, God's Laws were intended to bring us wisdom,joy,
light, and bring reward.

  1. Have two or three volunteers share story of times in their lives when
    they didn't appreciate a particular rule or law. Ask them why the rule they
    were struggling with was made in the first place. Also ask them to share
    When they appreciated that there were laws. [Guide: Remind students
    not to disparage those in authority, even as they share their anecdotes.

Explain that even laws that seem ridiculous may have been put in place
for a very legitimate reason.]

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Psalm 119:130 in NIV. When has God's Word been "unfolded" for you? What impact did it make?

Guide: You may want to share an experience from your life when yobu
had an "aha!" moment from God's Word. Then explain that even though the Words of the Bible were written thousands of years ago, God still speaks to
His people through His Word. The Bible reveals the character of God,
shows us how to live by following the example of Christ's life, and provides
us with divinely inspired insights penned by godly people through the ages.

b. Take time to pray.

1. Read or have volunteers read Jer 42:1-7.

What did the people assure
Jeremiah they would do when he brought God's answer to them (vv 5- 6)?
[Hint: These men offered repéated reassurance that God could turn
against them if they did not obey Him.]

Guide: Explain that there is a difference between truly seeking to know
God's will and asking Him to approve the plans we've already made.

2. Read or have volunteers read Jer 42:19-22.

Discuss the importance of being willing to obey when you ask God for direction. [Guide:

Explain that God takes our prayers and our promises seriously. Jeremiah called
Johanan and his men's lack of intention to change their plans a "fatal mistake.

3. Read or have a volunteer read James 1:5-6.

What does it mean "not to doubt'? [Guide: Explain that "not doubting" is more than just struggling with negative thoughts about whether God will answer our prayers. It also involves the struggle of believing that the answer God sends really
is from Him, and having faith to step out in obedience and receive the answer.]

Note: It doesn't upset God when His children are unsure what to do and turn to Him for wisdom and guidance. But when we seek direction from Him,
God demands we actually do what He tells us to do.

c. It's a lifelong pursuit.

1. Read or have volunteers read Exodus 18:1,5,13-23.

What do you do when someone gives you an advice when you have not asked for it?
[Guide: Explain that Moses did not ask for his father-in-law's advice, but
he listened to it when it was offered. Teens often receive abundant
advice they did not ask for, but that doesn't mean they should ignore it.
Some unsolicited advice comes from people who are close to us and
care about us deeply.]

2. Read or have a volunteer read Exodus 18:24-26.

When someone
offers you advice, what things do you consider when deciding wnether
to follow it?

Guide: Explain that it is important to consider the logic or merit of the
advice given. Jethro's advice made a lot of sense, but it's also important to consider the source of the advice. Some teens are more likely to listen to
other teens' advice rather than the advice of someone older Parents and grandparents can be good sources of advice simply because they have more life experience. Another thing to take into consideration is the character of the person offering the advice. Age alone doesn't guarantee wisdom. When seeking advice, look for someone with integnty Who relies on God and His Word for guidance.

3. Read or have a volunteer read Proverbs 12:15; 15:22.

What is one of the most obvious traits of fools? How true is the cliché "two heads are better than one"? Explain. [Guide: Explain that one of the most obvious traits of fools is their unwillingness to listen to advice. Remind student= that they don't have to follow every piece of advice they get, but it is important to carefully consider the advice given by trusted friends.]

>>inspire Them:

Remind students of:
THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 054), explaining
WHAT the Big ldea behind the study is; WHY it matters and
HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

>>Ministry Activity:

Distribute slips of paper and pens or pencils. Ask students to write down one issue in their lives on which they would like God's clear direction. Then have them write down what they're going to do to seek God's will in this matter for the next week. They may choose to pray about the matter daily, talk to a trusted adviser, or search their Bible for God's opinion on the issue. Encourage the students to take the mater seriously, and invite volunteers to report to the class in a week.

Conclude by reminding students that God has an amazing plan for them, and that if they stay focused on Him, He will guide their decision. and by giving them wisdom for each and every challenge they face.

>>Teacher Hint: Ask yourself..

  1. Do students understand that God's Laws were meant to help them suppress?

  2. Do they understand the difference between asking God for God's help and following God's instruction?

  3. Dothey understand how to recognize godly advice?


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