Assalamualaikum sobat steemian dimanapun anda berada.
Sampah adalah benda bekas yang paling dekat dengan manusia. Hal ini karena sampah selalu lahir dari setiap aktivitas manusia baik dirumah, tempat kerja maupun pasar atau tempat dimana manusia melakukan aktivitasnya. Saya pikir, kita tidak perlu lagi kembali ke pelajaran kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar untuk mencari tahu tentang definisi atau pengertian tentang sampah, cukup dengan melihat sebuah tumpukan sampah atau benda bekas yang tidak bermanfaat berserakan dijalan, selokan dan sudut-sudut tembok. Itulah sampah.
Aksi sederhana yang anda lihat di atas adalah contoh kecil yang menggambarkan bahwa untuk menjaga lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat bukanlah hal yang sulit dilakukan. Kepedulian seseorang terhadap lingkungan yang bersih sebenarnya upaya agar ia mandapatkan haknya untuk hidup sehat dan nyaman. Sebahagian besar manusia cerdas tahu bahwa berbicara masalah lingkungan adalah berbicara tentang nurani dan kesadaran.
Saya mendapatkan banyak pelajaran positif dari permasalahan lingkungan. Putri saya sempat batuk, mual dan muntah selama beberapa hari yang disebabkan oleh udara yang terkontaminasi zat berbahaya dari asap pembakaran sampah, asap kenderaan bermotor dan limbah rumah tangga. Pengalaman berharga ini menyadarkan saya untuk terus berusaha menciptakan celah agar kami berhak menghirup udara bersih dan menjalahi kehidupan yang sehat. Membersihkan sampah jenis apapun dan kemudian mengumpulkan dan membuangnya ke tempat yang seharusnya.
Saya juga menyempatkan berkunjung ke salah satu pasar tradisional terbesar di Kota Lhokseumawe yaitu pasar Inpres di Jalan Listrik setelah beberapa jam diguyur hujan. Niat saya adalah untuk melihat kondisi pasar disaat setelah hujan, karena saya tahu pasar terpadat ini masih kekurangan drainase adalah dampak buruk yang selalu timbul apalagi disaat curah hujan tinggi. Keberadaan pasar sebagai tempat untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan masyarakat sehari-hari tentu paling sering dikunjungi dan rentan dengan berbagai permasalahan lingkungan, sehingga pentingnya sebuah pasar dibekali dengan fasilitas yang memadai, seperti drainase, tempat sampah, aspek higyene (sanitasi) serta akses yang pasar yang baik.
Peta lokasi:Pasar Inpres Kota Lhokseumawe.
Rumah dan pasar, sekolah adalah fasilitas publik lainnya yang sering memproduksi sampah dari berbagai aktivitas siswa pada umumnya. Sambil menjemput putri saya pulang sekolah, saya juga menyempatkan mengambil potret penting lingkungan bersih di lingkungan sekolah TK Pertiwi dsn juga sekolah dasar negeri 5 Kota Lhokseumawe yang bersih dengan menyediakan tempat sampah yang memadai.
Peta lokasi:TK Pertiwi
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Berbicara lingkungan dan permasalahannya tidak akan pernah habis dan selesai, yang diharapkan adalah peran dan kesadaran manusia untuk menciptakan alam dan lingkungan sebagai tempat paling aman untuk berkehidupan dengan sehat. Manusia dan alam adalah dua jenis makhluk hidup yang terus menuju ke perubahan seiring waktu dan aktivitasnya.
Mudah mudahan aksi dan gambaran kecil kami menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan membekas khususnya bagi sobat steemian pecinta lingkungan bersih dan sehat.
@heriadi @klen.civil @irawandedy @miftahuddin dan @sofian88
About MeHERE
Hello friend @ridwant, I must say you are doing great protecting the environment by cleaning and providing trash cans and place to wash hands after disposing dirt.
You are right to say public facilities like schools, markets need more efforts to protect the environment because people dump dirt anyhow.
Awareness raising is vital because I realised within my own community that many people are not aware of the activities they do that damage the environment.
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Your interesting comments add to the ammunition of knowledge and motivation for me. We really hope the role of an "awareness" so that it is not considered that keeping the environment clean is just a "seasonal" problem. Thank you my friend
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You are welcome ✌️✌️.
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Hi @ridwant,
I enjoyed reading your entry for the contest.The safety and cleanliness of the environment is a task that everyone should take serious.I loved the fact that you made out time to rake out the garbages around your environment, because if it is allowed,it could breed air pollution and attract rodents too.
I am glad you learnt from that particular experience and so won't encouraging burning refuse close to the home.
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Burning garbage is the release of toxic gases, and it is very dangerous for both children and the environment. Thank you very much friend for visit and positive comments.
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Anda telah melakukan aktivitas luar biasa di pos ini untuk melindungi lingkungan planet kita yang indah. Bahkan, kita harus menanam lebih banyak pohon untuk melindungi lingkungan dunia ini. Anda mengumpulkan sampah dan membuangnya yang sangat bermanfaat bagi lingkungan. Terima kasih telah berbagi dengan kami.
Akhirnya, saya memiliki permintaan untuk Anda, silakan kunjungi blog saya tentang lingkungan. permintaannya besar. Saya harap Anda akan mengunjungi.
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Melindungi alam sekitar sama dengan melindungi diri dan keluarga kita. Komentar anda sangat menarik. Terima kasih banyak tuan.
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Hi,I agree it all starts at home,educating our children and family about the importance of maintaining a clean environment that will protect them from disease,I like that you keep that premise at home and extend it to your community.
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Yes, it seems I have to start from home so that the children understand how to take care of the environment properly. thank you very much ms. @marito74 for your interesting comment
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How bad to see a common and public place like a popular market for instance with all these awful environmental conditions that might affect the health of everyone. Good luck with your entry. At least you make good actions in your area friend.
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Maybe it wouldn't be this bad if things weren't in a heavy rain situation. But whatever the situation, it is very important to pay attention to public facilities that are accessible for everyone's comfort. Thank you friend for your positive comments.
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You are right that the market is visited by ordinary people frequently and it is very risky in terms of environment. So there needs to be adequate facilities in the market. There are many other issues besides drainage in particular. For this, the city corporation must be much more aware, thinking of the welfare of the citizens of the country.
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That's right, friends, because garbage and rain will become a big problem in a city or densely populated settlement when all parties don't care about their environment. We only hope that the party responsible for this issue will try their best to support the creation of a comfortable environment. Thank you for your positive comment mr. @kawsar
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In fact, the environment is very important for a society or a city. So we should all work together to protect that environment, to keep it in our favor. You did a very good job.
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Yes! because a clean environment is an effort of human personal awareness to create opportunities for healthy and comfortable living. Thank you very much mr. @kawsar for your interesting comment.
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In fact, the environment is very important to us and it plays a very important role in our personal life. So we have to do a lot to protect the environment, you are doing it very well.
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Thank you very much sir @kawsar for praising and motivating me.
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I can see that you are doing better and great in preservation and conservation of the Earth surface and hope we continue to do that for great changes on the earth surface and hope you continue steemit for our society to be booming
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I like to raise environmental issues. we have also built a community environment as a learning platform. I enjoy reading your comments, thank you very much my friend.
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You are highly welcome my good friend and keep steemit for more rewards
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Hello @ridwant,
You are playing your part in doing a great job in protecting the earth in your community. You are right, cleanliness leads to Godliness. I hope we all should endolge our selfs into such activities because it will benefit the planet and our environment
Thanks for this beautiful entry
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This is a great commentary! I think we have the same goal to save a little bit of this earth to get our share for healthy and comfortable life. thank you very much for your great comment sir. @chiabertrand
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You said very well, cleaning the environment is not a difficult thing. We should keep our environment clean. We have got to learn a lot in your post and your post is very well written .
Best of luck 🤞
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I just did a small action as an example that it is very easy to take care of our environment with our own awareness and will. I hope this compliment is not an exaggeration. Thank you so much for supporting my little act.
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Ini sepertinya tugas bersama Pak @ridwant, antara Pemerintah Kota dalam hal ini Dinas terkait serta kepedulian pedagang terhadap sampah dan kebersihan di tempat mereka berdagang. semoga kedepan Pasar Inpres sebagai pasar terbesar di Kota Lhokseumawe, dapat semakin jauh lebih baik lagi.
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Benar bang @fantvwiki kesadaran dan kepedulian adalah hal utama sehingga dapat mewujudkan sebuah lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat, khususnya di pasar dan tempat keramaian lainnya. Terima kasih atas komentar hebat ini..
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Tulisan yang luar biasa pak @ridwan. Kita di Aceh masih kurangnya kesadaran membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Padahal tempat sampah sudah di sediakan oleh pemerintah. Baik pemerintah kota maupun pemerintah Gampong.
Dibutuhkan kesadaran pada diri sendiri untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Sekecil apapun itu tetap sampah. Seperti halnya puting rokok, pembungkus permen dan lain-lain.
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Sangat benar bang, faktor kesadaran manusia itu sendir adalah hal utama mendukung perubahan yang vaik terhadap berbagai isu lingkungan. Terima kasih banyak bang @sabarman atas komentar pisitifnya.
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Sama-sama pak @ridwan
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Muy buenas acciones que ayudan a tener un mejor impacto en el ambiente.
Es importante concientizar y que la gente una vez consciente de su responsabilidad por mantener un ambiente saludable, se ponga manos a la obra para mantenerlo.
Palabras sin acciones son vacías, acciones sin palabras, son inútiles.
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Right sir! Many important people seem to talk more than they do. this is what makes us annoyed and boring. Thank you mr. @fjjrg , your comment is very useful.
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Cuidar nuestro planeta es tarea de todos, si colaboramos podemos hacer un mundo mejor y que maravilloso es empezar a inculcarle a nuestros niños desde pequeños que debemos cuidarlos, la quema de basura es muy nociva y más para nuestros pequeños. Suerte en el concurso.
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If they find it very difficult to maintain the earth's crust the size they live in, then don't expect them to have any concern for the rest of the environment. right as you said, the lesson about respecting the environment should take precedence over others. Thank you for support @noelisdc
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Brother you did so wonderfully great for making the environment clean and free from germicide .for I also this what you just did was great in the sense that planting trees would help.in so many aspect such as refresh .ain and keeping the houses go to a long run and more so help to retrieve us from.global warming and green house effect
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nice to read your comments, I'm just trying to speak to invite people to respect the environment and it's fun for our family. thank you very much friend or your support.
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You are highly welcome my dear friend keep.steemit
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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07.
Curated By - @klen.civil
Curation Team - The7up
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Thank you for support my brother
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Provision of trash is a very good support to Environmental health.
Thank you for your impact to the society
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Hi @beewrites ! Thank you for support
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Terimakasih sudah berpartisipasi dalam Steemit Engagement Challenge Season2 #week2
Good luck
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The support of the community team always motivates us to continue working well. thank you for the information and motivation sir @sofian88
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