Computer Software and its Categories

in hive-153970 •  3 months ago 

Computer Software and its Categories.

Basically, without the software the computer cannot perform any task and softwares are set of instructions called programs that tells the computer to perform a specific task. Computer software are categorized into two which I will be writing on today.

Brief Introduction on software


Software is a collection of instructions, data, program, routine that enables a user to interact with the computer, software are mostly stored on an external long-term memory device and when programs are on execution the computer reads instructions from the long-term memory device such as hard drive or magnetic diskette into the short-term memory known as random access memory (RAM).

One will be asking the example of these software? From the web browser that we make use of to surf the internet, or the games that we play on the computer to the MS Window that greets us when we switch on the computer are all the examples of software so to say we make use software everyday either using our phones or laptops.

These computer software are of two types, one is designed to manage the operations and resources of the computer typically to be used by the computer itself while the other is designed to carry out a specific task which are typically used by end-users.

The categories of Computer Software include.


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A system software can be defined as an intermediator between the hardware and the user, it aids the interaction between the user and the hardware. When a computer is switched on it is the system software that first gets loaded and initialized in the memory of the computer, this system software is not used by the user because it runs in the background.

The system software includes the operating system (OS), device drivers, language translator and utilities.

The Operating system.

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This is a type of system software that is the collection of software that provides general services and handles resources for other applications that run over them, OS fundamentality is to determine how a user interacts with the system. All devices, whether a desktop, laptops or mobile phones needs an operating system to provide basic functionality required of it. Operating system include linux, windows, Android, ioS, Mac OS and Ubuntu etc.

Device drivers.

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This is a type of system software that handles a particular hardware which is attached to the computer, it is of two types the kernel and user device drivers. Its examples are BIOS Driver, Display Drivers, Motherboard Drivers, VGA Drivers, VGA Drivers and Virtual Device Drivers.


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This is a type of system software that focuses on how an OS functions and then accordingly it decides its path to smoothen the functioning of the system.
The software is designed to help in optimizing, configuring, analyzing and maintaining a computer system. It's example include Avast Antivirus, Directory Opus, McAfee Antivirus,WinRAR and WinZip.

Language translator

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Language translator is a type of system software acts as mediator programs on which the system software rely on to convert a high-level programming language to simpler machine-level Language. Example include the interpreter, compiler and assembler.


This are the type of software that enables the user in completing tasks such as setting an alarm, keeping an account log, online research, designing graphics and playing games. They are known as end-users program. Without the application software users can't maximize the computer whereby the can't make use of the computer to solve a particular task. Different activities carried out by users on daily basics like surfing the internet, playing games and rest of them are done with application software.

The example of this software include web browser, graphics software, Educational and Reference software, multi-media software etc.

Note Any application the user makes use of to solve its need is termed an application software, this application software are both found in Android and system.


Softwares are the most essential part of the computer, without the software the computer can't function and the users can't interact with the computer, this implies that the computer is of to use to human. The software which helps the user to interact are grouped into two the one the Computer makes use of and the one the end-users makes use to solve its need.



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