"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"
Not only in terms of population but also in terms of food, heritage and education rate this city is very popular in Khulna division. The city is more famous specially in terms of food and tradition.
There are many traditional sights here. Some of these are Lalon Shah's shrine, Kuthibari and Jogti Station, the first station in Bangladesh. These places are very popular not only in our city but also in our country. Lalon shah majar is the homeland of Lalon. For this reason, the place is very much traditional to the general people. Every year many people come here to visit the place. Mostly in winter vacation the place is filled with different type of people. There are many things here to see. There is big majar, a big pond which is filled with different types of big fish.
Every year a fishing competition is organized here. Many people take part in this competition. Many people come here to see this competition. Again, this city is especially famous for Kuthibari of Rabindranath Thakur. Kushtia Shilaidah where Rabindranath Thakur spent most of his life. There is a big house which was the living house of Rabindranath thakur. Every year many foreigners come here to visit this site. Not only the foreigners but also our country people also come here to visit the traditional place.
According to foods and food habit this city is very popular. The most special food is the “Tille Khaja”. This is the famous food in ours. For this food, this city is getting popular day by day. Not only this but also many cultural and traditional foods are also seen here. The road sides food is also as popular as the other foods.The people of the city are very proud of the tradition and culture of this city.Stay healthy stay well and definitely visit our Kushtia.
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