RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Message To A Friend - 12 Steem

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Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Message To A Friend - 12 Steem

in hive-153970 •  3 months ago  (edited)

¡Un mensaje para un amigo!

Me gusta este tema, porque me siento afortunada de tener amigos. Conservo a mis amigos de infancia. Esos seres maravillosos con los que jugué en la calle hasta bien entrada la noche, con mis amigas hacíamos rondas agarradas de las manos, y cantábamos canciones infantiles: bailábamos y añorábamos tener nuestra propia casa, con esposos a quienes cuidar y con hijos. No sé por qué extraña razón, todas las niñas queremos casarnos, jajaja. Creo que forma parte de la inocencia infantil.


Les cuento que tratamos de reunirnos, por lo menos una vez al año, y volvemos a jugar como cuando éramos niñas.

De acuerdo con la formación que recibí en casa, quien tiene un amigo tiene a un hermano; y eso no significa que no haya diferencias con ellos, pero mientras haya afecto y respeto, las diferencias se echan a un lado.

Durante 22 años trabajé en la Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo de Sucre-Cumaná, y siempre traté de tener buenas relaciones con mis compañeros de trabajo. Obviamente, con algunos tuve relaciones más cercanas que con otros. Pero a todos los apreciaba y respetaba mucho.

Este reencuentro lo organicé antes de pedir cambio de extensión para venirme a Carúpano, que era donde estaba mi familia. Ahora me da nostalgia ver esta foto:


Tengo también amigos con los que, al igual que la mona y el monito, nos sacamos los piojos, nos cuidamos y nos apoyamos. Hemos aprendido a celebrar los triunfos y a llorar los fracasos. Nos hablamos con verdades, por más duras que estas sean, y siempre buscamos la manera de superar las diferencias para que la amistad se afiance cada día más.

Estos son mis amigos del alma.


También tengo amigos, a los que nunca he visto en mi vida personalmente, amistades que se han forjado a través de las palabras escritas. Esos son los que he cosechado aquí en Steemit. Puedo decir que de solo leerlos los siento imprescindibles para mí.

Entre esas amistades se encuentran: @aplausos, @blessedlife y @genomil.

Estas amigas mías son aguas frescas con las que lleno mi estanque personal día a día.

A ellas las invito a participar.

A message for a friend!

I like this topic, because I feel lucky to have friends. I keep my childhood friends. Those wonderful beings with whom I played in the street until late at night, with my friends we did rounds holding hands, and we sang children's songs: we danced and longed to have our own home, with husbands to take care of and with children. I don't know for some strange reason, all girls want to get married, hahaha. I think it's part of childhood innocence.


I tell you that we try to get together, at least once a year, and we play again like when we were girls.

According to the training I received at home, whoever has a friend has a brother; and that does not mean that there are no differences with them, but as long as there is affection and respect, the differences are put aside.

For 22 years I worked at the Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo de Sucre-Cumaná, and I always tried to have good relationships with my coworkers. Obviously, with some I had closer relationships than with others. But I appreciated and respected everyone very much.

I organized this reunion before requesting a change of extension to come to Carúpano, which was where my family was. Now it makes me nostalgic to see this photo:


I also have friends with whom, like the monkey and the monkey, we remove lice, take care of each other and support each other. We have learned to celebrate triumphs and mourn failures. We speak truths to each other, no matter how hard they may be, and we always look for a way to overcome differences so that friendship becomes stronger every day.

These are my soul friends.


I also have friends, whom I have never seen in my life in person, friendships that have been forged through written words. Those are the ones I have harvested here on Steemit. I can say that just by reading them they feel essential to me.

Among those friendships are: @aplausos, @blessedlife and @genomil.

These friends of mine are fresh waters with which I fill my personal pond day by day.

I invite them to participate.

#mejorvida #comentario

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Realmente quien tiene un amigo tiene un gran tesoro, y en las imágenes se evidencia que has disfrutado de su compañía.

Ojalá un día podamos tener nuestra foto juntas, amiga, yo creo que es posible. Aquí en la plataforma, más allá del trabajo y las recompensas, la mayor ganancia está en las relaciones que construimos, me siento honrada de que me incluyas entre este bello grupo de amigas virtuales, como yo te incluyo en el mío.

Un abrazo cariñoso

Seguro que en algún momento nos vamos a encontrar. Yo compré un "cochinito" para comenzar a ahorrar y vernos en "algún lugar del mundo de la América Latina", jajaja.

Such a richdom to have good friends, especially those from your childhood and work. I don't see that happen here. Some schools have a reunion after 5 years but it never became a trend. I never been there, my eldest hadn't such events either only my youngest from primary school and she refuses to go.

You left like typical for you a super long and touching comment I loved reading it and I understand why people love you.

Thanks for sharing your friends with me. I like how you compared the monkeys with close friends.

A hug for you.

I failed to mention my friends, who, despite not sharing my language or culture, feel close to me. They are @dove11, @weisser-rabe, @ruthjoe, @pousinha and you.

I think it is the love for the poetic word and for narrative that has made us recognize ourselves in these seas.

I think if it comes to friendships there's always something that bonds and in our case it's the magic of art - words used in a certain way is art too. Isn't it amazing we found each other and our words are strong enough to survive the bad work of the translator? Next to that we are different and can be friends. The good thing of being an artist?

Sin duda alguna, el arte hace magia.

Am so glad to be seen as one of your close friends. Thank you 💗

Gracias amiga...un abrazo ,,mucho éxito


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Curated by : @damithudaya

Gracias por el apoyo, @damithudaya. me siento honrada de recibirlo.

Heartwarming stories. 🥰
Have friends is always a blessing to us. I may way younger then you and your idea inspire me. Thank you for your share of opinion, ma'am.

Gracias por tu cálido comentario. Me alegra que mis ideas sobre la amistad te hayan inspirado.

English would be helpful, ma'am. I am from Bangladesh.
