Contest | A Better Life - ME AND DREAMS.

in hive-153970 •  3 months ago 

I want a better life!

Do you? If so, what is the first thing you need to improve your life – feel better – right now?

The first thing I want is physical and spiritual health, then money. hehe..hehe 😄 Why do I say money, because in my mind now there is only money, money and money. As the saying goes, money is not everything, but everything needs money.


it's money, because if I had a lot of money, my life would be better, that's what I thought. With money I can travel around the world, visit tourist attractions and own a luxurious house, and one more thing I want to make my dream come true, namely a car, that's what's on my mind right now. I even dream, my income through Steemit is that I want to buy a car, but I don't know how long I can make it all happen hehe.hehe😂

With money I can develop my culinary business, and can open branches in several cities, have a beautiful place with nice tables and chairs, so that it makes my customers comfortable when they enjoy the food served.


It is decorated with colorful lights and I will decorate every corner with flowers to make it look more radiant, and inside there are many employees wearing neat uniforms. Meanwhile, I just want to sit back and enjoy the results, and I will give some of the results to people in need as my charity box.

And what I like most is that when I travel, I can invite my friends and my employees on holiday. and the first time I invited my friend to go for a walk was @wakeupkitty.pal question: are you willing for me to take you for a walk?? 🤣


Maybe my question is ridiculous, maybe even everyone will laugh after reading my writing, why do I say it like that?? because I myself couldn't hold back my laughter 😂🤭 I thought if I didn't dare to say it from the imaginary world, how could I dare to say it in the real world. I think that's my answer this time, at least I dared to try. hehe.hehe🤗

That's it for my post today, I hope you like it, and see you in my next post. I invite @rumaisha @elcebe and @bunda-monteski I hope you will also participate in this contest.



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Money is very important in our lives and with having money things would be so easy for us. I pray you have money soonest.

Terimakasih teman, atas do'anya.
Semoga hari mu menyenangkan 🤗

El dinero, en efecto, cambia la vida. Cuando uno no tiene nada, no se preocupa de que le quiten algo. ¿Qué nos van a quitar? jajaja. La gente que se nos acerca, lo hace porque nos tiene cariño noi por interés, jeje. DE modo que el dinero sí nos cambia la vida; y no siemp`re es para bien.

Un abrazo.

Terimakasih atas komentar baik nya ibu cantik..
Ya tentu saja saya tidak akan tinggal diam, dan saya akan terus mengajari mereka dengan menu-menu yang enak dengan cara lewat ucapan dan tidak perlu saya yang melakukan. Saya akan duduk manis, sambil menghirup udara huufff 🌬️masuk ke rekening, enakan..?? "Hanya ada dalam imajinasi"😂🤭

Salam hangat untuk ibu yang cantik🥰
Semoga tuhan selalu melindungi mu dan di berikan kesehatan untuk mu🌹

Yes! I will definitely go for a walk with you! As long as we do not have to walk over the water because I will sink and drown if I set a foot on the water surface.

You said a very wise thing! We have to say out loud what we need. Only if we do so the need is visible and we can work towards it.

I think a car would make a good start for you to have a better life.

If it comes to those luxury restaurants... Are there enough people who can afford that?

Thanks for joining dear. I love your happy entry.

Terimakasih atas komentar baik nya
Percayalah saya tidak akan membawa anda ke dalam air, karena saya juga takut tenggelam, saya hanya ingin duduk santai di tepi sungai sambil menikmati panorama alam yang indah.

Do'a kan saya semoga bisa mewujudkan mobil impian

Saya rasa akan banyak pengunjung ke restoran saya, karena saya akan menjual nya dengan harga diskon

Salam hangat,semoga harimu menyenangkan 🎉

Bagus, kita bisa berjalan di sepanjang sungai dan duduk sambil melihat air dan merasakan kedamaian.

Mungkin sebuah restoran adalah langkah pertama. Jika banyak yang datang, Anda bisa membeli mobil.

Saya terus berdoa dan berharap semoga kamu beruntung dan semoga kamu bisa segera mewujudkan mimpimu.

Amin.. terimakasih do'a nya👏

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

I can see you really need money and money in fact you need more money 😁 my dear is true money is not everything, but everything needs money,
that is what everyone is hustling for because in most cases it saves lives and also add more beauty to our life.
Please remember to invite me too when traveling not only wakeupkitty.pal oo🤓

Haha😄tentu saja saya akan mengajak anda jika sudah meminta ikut serta, kita akan menikmati perjalanan bersama, kalau pak @wakeupkitty.pal kata nya takut dengan air, bagaimana kalau kita perginya ke atas bukit gunung di antar dengan pesawat kecil, di puncaknya kita akan duduk sambil menikmati indahnya pemandangan. Sungguh indah bukan??

Tapi semua itu hanya ada dalam imajinasi 😂🤣🤭 anda sudah membuat saya terhibur dan tertawa😂 terimakasih 🤗

This your imagination self 🤣 anyways I will see the end of this imagination let me start going to look for snacks the party will sweet💃💃🎉🎉🎉


Saya tidak yakin apakah saya bisa terbang seperti elang, tetapi di puncak gunung atau di tepi sungai saya bisa terbang dan kami akan menikmati waktu santai yang menyenangkan. Oke, @ubikool kamu bisa datang lebih lama lagi, pasti akan menyenangkan ditambah kamu bisa membawa makanan ringan. 😁

Sepertinya obrolan kita tidak berakhir di sini, aku senang kita bisa bercanda ria 🤗


Haha😂🤭 tetap semangat 💪

Haha😂🤭 tetap semangat 💪

Sir there one music they called flying without wings so I think you can fly without being an eagle 😁 but that river stuff i won't follow oo water only sweet me for cup oo🤣

Thanks for letting me know. Is it with Redd Bull?

All you need to know about water is it calms the soul, is peaceful and you can carry the picnick basket. 🥳

Semoga apa yang anda harapkan bisa segera menjadi kenyataan, jangan lupa berusaha dan berdoa karena setiap doa yang kita panjatkan, suatu saat nanti akan dikabulkan oleh tuhan.

Punya rumah mewah, mobil dan restoran adalah impian yang hebat, kita harus berani bermimpi karena kesuksesan dimulai dari sebuah impian.

Semoga beruntung 🎉

Terimakasih teman telah singgah di postingan saya, ia semua keberhasilan di awali dari mimpi. Tentunya dengan usaha dan do'a.

Semoga tuhan mempermudahkan jalan untuk kita semua. Amin🤲🏻

Siapapun boleh bermimpi, siapapun boleh berharap, angkat tangan tinggi-tinggi biar doa sampai ke langit.

Terimakasih ibu..atas komentar baik nya.
Insyaallah, setiap usaha pasti di iringi dengan do'a.

Salam sukses.
Semoga hari nya menyenangkan 🤗

Sama2 buk