Expressions we should avoid

in hive-153970 •  2 years ago 


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Generally we usually use expressions that we do not know the real connotation they have or failing that, we do not measure the impact it can generate on the people to whom we say them or, in ourselves however, this practice is incorrect because, several of these expressions were created under the feeling of hatred.

An expression is represented by being a phrase or word that more than 75% get to use when we are under the effects of rage and the only purpose they have is to destroy everything that is in their environment. Analyzing this situation I realize that, almost always not to say all the time, these expressions achieve their goal because, they mark, hurt and even devastate the emotional well-being of a person.

At this point, it is essential that we sit down to reflect on the following: regardless of the conflicts we may have with someone, there are expressions that we should not say because, they are comments that promote verbal violence and if the situation gets out of control, it can become physical violence and that is not correct because this behavior will only promote destruction and of course, more violence.

If for one reason or another we are characterized by being people who use aggressive expressions, my recommendation in this aspect is that we start a process of self-reflection because behind those phrases or words with anger, there is another novelty that is generating the aggressive emotional state.

Let us keep in mind that, if we eradicate the offensive expressions of our vocabulary, we gain tranquility because, in life, everything has a limit and in this offenses dressed with sincere intentions are also included. In view of this, I want to share with you some of the expressions that we must avoid because they generate a lot of damage when we apply them.


Fool or, all the words that emanate a synonym from it

One of the best things that would do us good is to avoid pointing to someone as dumb, silly, slow or failing that, the various synonyms that each of those words has. Now, to learn more about why some people use these expressions, I gave myself the task of asking several people in my environment what is the reason that leads them to use them and at what time.

Most agreed that they usually use it in the middle of a joke or when they are relaxed. However, these expressions actually contain a derogatory and aggressive tone because although at certain times they are said for "trust", without realizing it we are offending someone and in our society, that offense was normalized but, it is incorrect to point to someone with those words.

Keep in mind that, the expression silly or all its synonyms, is an offense that is directed with all the treachery towards a person because, it qualifies and at the same time, disqualifies the mental capacity that is assumed of someone. For this reason, these labels reach the limit and end up becoming a criticism of the violent attitude that someone has. In short, let's avoid these expressions because absolutely no one deserves to be labeled as silly, dumb or slow.


Failure or failure

I consider that this is one of the expressions that we get to use the most in our day to day. As a general culture I share that, the word failed or failure was normalized in our vocabulary after that, in audiovisual productions, they began the process of using the term "loser" or "loser" as a funny and favorite offense.

For today's society, having a vocabulary with these words denotes being on the wave and due to the success they have had, the commercial sector transformed it into a competitive and consumerist success that allows to separate the people who succeed from those who fail.

Personally, I think that at no time do these expressions make sense because although our goal has not been realized as we expected, in the same way we had learnings for it, there is no absolute loss. Life is a constant evolution and although in a moment we fall, this does not mean that everything was a failure.

Let us keep in mind that categorically no human being is totally failed and 100% successful. However, to credit someone with these labels is to seek the personal or social denigration of a person and, this does not speak well of us for that reason, we can not believe the right to name someone with expressions that they do not deserve.


You are useless

This expression is usually used when in some way or another we believe that we have power over someone else and at the time of using it, we emit verbal and psychological violence. A person who points to someone as useless, externally projects a destructive power but, inside he is also hurting himself because, without realizing it, he is emitting a signal of frustration when he feels that he is not in control of a situation and to evade it, he credits all the guilt in someone.

Regardless of the circumstance, it is unacceptable and totally deplorable to refer to someone with this expression because when someone is labeled as useless, we automatically question all the qualities or actions that that person can perform. This expression qualifies and points negatively at someone, it is not right to make these kinds of judgments.

The appropriate thing is to eliminate this expression from our vocabulary because, it is better to use words that contain human values and that at all times promote the construction of kindness, empathy, love and solidarity.


You can't

This is an expression that contains high levels of offense and falsehood because, absolutely no one has the right to determine that a person is not empowered to achieve something he longs for. I have seen many cases where they claimed that someone was not going to be able to reach their goal and, after seeing that they did, they had to retract it.

We all have qualities and skills so we must trust ourselves. Possibly a situation we will not achieve today but, life is dynamic and 100% changeable for that reason, if it was not achieved today, tomorrow it is. In this case, the most important thing is to keep firm our conviction and desire to achieve what we have set out to do.


You're weird

From my perspective, this is an expression full of pettiness and does not even lead to a direct insult. If we carefully analyze the word "Rare", we will realize that we do not really know about what, with what parameter we can define someone in that way and what is the problem of being one.

Undoubtedly, this expression all it does is pierce and at the same time, eat away at the dignity that someone has because, being weird is actually a virtue that defines the difference of a person and highlights so much because, it is not common. However, here the expression is really not to be "Rare" but, Different and this is because all its particularities are its own.

It should be noted that, the rare expression is only used to exclude or failing that, mark someone and the only objective that that word has is to make another person feel that it is out of context and therefore, for those who point out someone as weird, it is not acceptable to be different.

if we are characterized by being a person with excesses of anger and it is difficult for us to control it, it is essential that we analyze our attitude in order to know what is happening inside us. Let's remember that an aggressive word after being said, there is no way to go back in time to repair the damage it could have caused.

In the same way it is essential to keep in mind that, all expressions that are destructive, the only thing they will promote is a conflict scenario and depending on the level with which these words were issued, the possible solution will have degrees of complexity.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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