Diary Game. Wednesday (08-05-2024)

in hive-153970 •  10 months ago 


hello friends how are you all I am @tuhin62. Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah I am also fine by the infinite mercy of Allah. I appeared again with another beautiful diary of a new day. Today I will discuss with you all the things that I have done throughout the day. Let's start ------


Today is Wednesday. First thing I woke up this morning was to freshen up. Then like everyday I helped my mother with small and big work. After finishing work, mom said go and see the paddy field. Because it rained in our area last night. There was a small amount of storm along with the rain. So I took my bicycle and went to see the paddy field. When I went to the paddy field, I felt slightly upset. Because I went to the land and saw that the paddy on both sides of the land was worn. Then I finished looking at the land and came back home. After coming home, I told my mother that I am hungry, give me some fields. Mom said it is not cooked yet. Because this morning I went to see the land without breakfast.



Then mother said Dara will arrange food. Then mother said there is flour in the house, I will make something. Mother made beautiful chapari with flour. I finished my breakfast with this. After breakfast I came to my work. Today was work at the brick kiln. Dad left for work earlier today. Then I went and started working with my father. After working like this, it was time to eat. Then we all came home to the food field. After finishing eating and drinking, after taking a rest for some time, I came back to work. This is how today's work ended. I finished work today around noon. I got a salary of 500 rupees.


After coming home from work, after taking some rest, I took a shower and finished my lunch. Then rested for some time. Working in a brick kiln is basically a lot of hard work, so the body is very tired. I woke up around five o'clock. After waking up and washing my hands and face, I went to play sports like every day. Today we had another game. Our team lost this game. Then I came home after playing. After coming home, I washed my hands and came to our corner. This is how I ended today.


Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another new diary. I ended here as today.

thanks ------------

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