Let's Make the World Smile instead of Cry

in hive-153970 •  6 months ago  (edited)

Is it possible to make the world smile?
It's not, you might say, while turning your back
But to me, the world is the place I am living in
Those who are near to my heart
I know, feel I can make them smile even if it's only once in a lifetime.
A socialist


Today it's April 5th, 2024 and if everything went well @worldsmile made some families smile. Smile with something we all need, simple, basic things to make us feel good. Nothing special, nothing expensive, no big pies, balloons, expensive trips to attraction parks, no dreams like flying to the moon, or emigrating to Mars. No Elon Musk will knock on the doors and ask what they would do with 20 million bucks.
There's a small chance you will find those being surprised in the last few days on Steemit, a small chance they have an iPad or Apple to communicate with the world and an upvote will make them smile. If there's no food on the table luxuries like a computer, smartphone and access to wifi 24/7 are a joke. Nothing hurts a parent as much as not being able to feed their children and those who do will frequently skip meals themselves. It's not the wisest thing to do since a mother (or father) without a decent meal, a healthy one, but also a snack once in a while to keep the spirit high will lose all the energy to keep the family together and make the best out of it.

My dear friend @yaladeeds said in a comment it's hard to be a mother, to always sacrifice yourself, to give up on your wishes, dreams, and even health to raise a family. I agree with her for 100%, as a single mother of 5 and a foster mom of 13, I know how it is to make ends meet, to keep the spirit high and to feel you are always fighting in a warzone while society (at times only one person) is picking on you.

For sure plenty will say: It is your free choice, you can refuse to have children as I read all over Steemit after a community asked for the opinion about abortion (abortion provocatus not the interruptus). Others might say: You can give your child/ren away, there are plenty of people who love to have one. Out of experience, I can tell you this is far from the truth and easy besides we are not talking about unwanted children. During times when there's hardly anything to eat each mom will think in despair: I wish I would have never given birth (I wonder how fathers feel about this).

To my opinion we all can make the world (we are living in) smile and indeed it's a huge task if we have to do this to the entire world and I agree there's no need to make everyone happy and for sure you should not if you don't feel to it since if you don't feel well, the deed isn't done by your heart, out of guilt, fear to be called harsh, the good deed is no good deed at all and will not generate a happy feeling at all.

As a community, all of us joining #Steemit, it's not so difficult to make someone smile. Imagine what this platform would look like if each Steemian spreads some love, and leaves three to five heartfelt comments behind or some words that make the receiver laugh?



Why did I support @worldsmile again?

Again since I said I would not do that anymore after a moderator made me feel as if I robbed the bank of Steemit. Perhaps it's because of the comments I received or the fact I am stubborn and let no one decide whom I will interact with, how to spend my earnings and who I put my trust in or it is something I believe in, feels good, no big organization filling it's own wallets.

It was in January 2024 only that I decided to give Steemit a 3rd try, to be honest, I still felt uncomfortable after all that had happened on this platform, all the energy wasted on those who took it for granted I filed their wallets as if it was a normal thing to do.
This time I met other people but also a few who still remembered me and all those things we did to make Steemit a better place, to promote it with the hope it would benefit many.

If it comes to benefit it's strange how easily people forget who it was who helped them out, into the saddle. Many rising stars, or those doing well didn't come that far without someone's help, someone or if it comes to the part the upvoting bots. Once up it feels as if looking back reaching out to someone else is something not done. It's easier to kick down on those who didn't make it and blame them for their own lack of success.

To make the world, the world of Steemit, or the offline one a better place we should work in the first place on taking care of ourselves, ourselves and those dear to us. If we are not satisfied we will never be able to feel good about gifting someone else. A gift is not a gift, doesn't bring happiness if it's something you can't miss or don't have!
Once there's room to be generous in your own way you can do good to someone else. Doing good has nothing to do with expensive gifts or loads of money so never let anyone force you into this.
Forcing into is the same as what I see what a few communities do, "asking" at least 10% to make their community the biggest of all. Is this what Steemit is all about? Rich greedy communities where the moderators share earnings among themselves and complain if an author gives his earnings away to two other Steemians?

It sounds like a mirror of society, the real world, my son said as he read the comments, and scolds sent to my address, again I said: _it's up to me to decide who I'm supporting, who I will always back up and whom I will never give a hand which to me has nothing to do with a lifestyle, religion or the country one is born.

You don't need to be long on this platform to notice which communities are doing well,

which are the richest and more likely to reward their own people. You don't need to be a detective to see which people never complain, rarely mention the situation in their country, keep smiling and write on just to try to climb that ladder. It's also no secret who are the real queens (bees do not have kings) of all those busy bees, who read, respond, shed tears and generously upvote to give a positive push and by that let the author know s/he's heard even if there's not one single word left in the comment line.

After three months back on Steemit I decided to give my 50/50 withdrawal away to @worldsmile.
Why? My very first contact was positive, it was an answer to my short comment: what is @worldsmile? I received a long detailed answer including two links. Those who visit the account might think the project is dead but it's the opposite of that. Behind the screen, a small group operates without asking for attention. They have no army of soldiers 24/7 to promote what they do or beg for money.

The present project is about helping orphan families in Aceh.

If you like to read more about it read the articles left in Steem For BetterLife. This community is small and deserves more attention for all the good work they are doing. How they work is transparent. It is hard work and it saddens them to decide who deserves a smile on his face.

By the way, it's not because my father was born in Indonesia I donated. I learned that the people are hard-working, proud, and not crybabies. I never hear them complain no matter how tired they are. I do not read in their posts "Due to the circumstances in my country I have a hard time". All I can feel is a deep respect for how they try to manage, make ends meet, keep their heads above the waterline, trying to swim because drowning is no option. I take my hat off to all those fighters (like me) who do not show they are crying behind closed doors. All those who are the first to be forgotten because they do not beg and manipulate.

Children deserve a life!

They shouldn't go to bed hungry and neither should their parent. I know how it is to feel hungry as a child, to have nothing to eat but also how it is to be no longer able to eat without getting sick which shows once one is getting older. It affected my health, I lost my hair and today I still have a hard time when it comes to eating. No child should go through this. The three B's (bread, bed, bare basic basics each person needs to be able to have a good life.

I expect that all those against abortion, the fighters for the right of life will immediately visit their wallet and donate to @worldsmile. Ladies and men grab your chance! Help those loved and by far not unwanted children and give them a chance to build a better world. Don't worry: your donations will not affect the club you join, the moderators are wrong if they do so! All you need to do is leave underneath your post proof of your donation (how cool, the entire platform can see you are a good person).

Big or small I thank you for your donations!


Why I donated?

  • Was it a coincidence I joined a contest that asked 10% for @worldsmile which was something I forgot but their luck since that post wasn't even rewarded with 1 dollar?
  • Can be I decided to send 10 Steem after I received information on my question and yes, I still "fall" for politeness and kindness
  • It can be it was karma
  • Me being at the right place at the right moment
  • Or I did it because of an old friendship
  • My own childhood hardships where reaching out wasn't involved
  • Perhaps it is because I am a (foster)mom, single or a broken soul

If it comes to it there are 1001 reasons why I do what I do and hope to see at least, besides my children, make one person smile a day (trust me it's not easy).

Was it a coincidence I saw the post written by @el-nailul that he and his friends would deliver some smiles on doorsteps? It can be but it sounded like a good plan to me although I felt most likely hardly anyone would notice this initiative because the message about spreading some joy arrived too late. Most likely the entire platform was 'busy' minding their own business or people rather donate to the bigger world of X or prefer to give 10% to a community with the hope of winning the game.

I am happy and proud that only a few made it possible to make some families smile but how I wished it would have been the 30 they had in mind instead of the 11 they could only afford with the Steem donated.

To all those reading this I ask you to ask yourself if there's something you can do to make the world smile. Is it possible to donate a bit? An upvote of 0.01 is a good start, you can also write an extra post about how you feel about donating, making the world smile or a better life in general while you donate a bit to @worldsmile.

I will not ask you to rob the bank of Steemit, to give all your Steem away if you need it but to consider why it is you can't miss an upvote, 0.5 steem or perhaps a bit more while you hope others make you smile.

If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment and write your own post instead in this community or @freewritehouse where the number of words does not count.

Kopie van Sheep.jpg

I did it. Can you miss a bit too
so a few more can 'celebrate' the April4 month?
Thank you! @wakeupkitty

Screenshot_20240329-190111_Samsung Internet.jpg

Photo's: pixabay. com
First photo source

@radjasalman @arispranata5 @muzack1 @nadilchairi @irawandedy @heriadi @el-nailul @hoesaid and all those who donated thank you for making this possible and all your hard work. Know you brought a smile on my face as well!

#comment #actsofkindness #betterlife #kittywu #thoughts #steemexclusive

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First of all a big hug to you, I just knew that your father was born in Indonesia. The second one is a simple piece of advice; just drop off "bad words" addressed to you, I experienced the same when I first initiated the World Smile and donated things I earned to the small team in Montalban Venezuela, I did not care what other said to me, what matters were what I did for those who need assistance, the name of World Smile is also given by my lovely kids in Venezuela which were coordinated by @mariana4ve before she get serious illness and can not continue the program over there.

The third is you make me "move" by what you write about World Smile, finally, I found someone else who has the same thought. But, don't be frustrated when no one responds to your calls for support, I do what I can, with or without support, and finally, the steemit team recognizes it and supports us till today.

Please remember, this program is worldwide, if you have someone straggling about the "child education" in your place, you can also inform us in your post, because the main concern of our program is supporting the children, wherever we can reach no matter of nationality, race and religions.

Thank you very much for your trust and support @wakeupkitty

Best Regards

Thank you for the big hug I needed one after a long day, and thanks for your kind words.

It's good to hear a bit about the history of worldsmile. It's great you took over and kept it alive. Projects like these should remain and have a fair chance.

Perhaps I should have add that I don't give to the well-known, worldwide, aid funds not only because they already are rich enough (and countries pay with tax-money but also for the reason that most of the financial gifts are wasted. High saleries for the top only, expensive commercials, Unicef's sexparties with children.

I will "live" with the negative remarks, the scolding but will also mention it (see my freewrites) since I do not like hypocrisy and don't see any reason why I should accept these responds and keep my moutj shut. The only thing I didn't do so far is calling those people by names.

Let's see if some people find the time to donate a bit or they all just talk about doing good, love and so on.

Any idea how many accounts there are on Steemit?

Does worldsmile have a bankaccount or paypal?


Let's see how many out of

Any idea how many accounts there are on Steemit?

there are two active charity accounts in Indonesia that I initiated one is @steem.amal focuses on economic development, housing, public health (previous programs), the emergency response which is still active only in Indonesia, and @worldsmile for international child protection and education, environment sustainability projects, and health and women empowerment support program.

The other active charity is @ wox-helpfund run by the World of Xpilar Community

Are you sure there are only three? Dream Steem has one too, it has another name.

And how many people have an account or how many active accounts are there? Is there a way to find this information?

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Thanks for the mention ;-)) Dream Steem also maintains a small Charity Account - @dream.socialclub. We were able to do a number of things - which may never completely eliminate problems and worries, but make them more bearable. We have financed tuition fees and medical treatment. Houses and food. Not alone. Together with all the people we were able to reach with our appeals - and there are quite a few of them. Colombia Original also set up its own Charity Account and is also quite active there.

Perhaps it is good if there's an overview of aid plus what they do?

Good idea. Thinking about.

So far WSP hasn't made any Bank Account due to the complicated process of the legal institution and for PayPal, we did not make it because Worlsmile is also the steem promotion act through real action in real life to reach those who never have any idea about what steemit can do for a better life.

#comment #betterlife

If ever you better use some online account like wise, without the costs for having it.

I think paypal can be on everyone's name and you can change the paylink + name into @worldsmile. It could be a nice extra to mntion if a post is promoted on X or just leave the address underneath a post. It can be a not Steemian will read it and decides to donate. I
I understand it's to promote Steem but it doesn't matter you shouldn't cut out other options to receive donations. Steem needs to be exchanged too before it can be used.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

I will discuss the PayPal with the team because one of them already has Paypal.

About X, I think it is a good to try option and put some crypto wallet address underneath

Thank for advice my friend

You are welvome, good luck.


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Thank you for supporting the World Smile Project all this time and I, as WSP management, should be happy to meet a benefactor like you.

As you said that to have meaning for other people you don't have to do things beyond reason and beyond your capacity, Steemit is the right platform to make it a space for sharing.

We have done it and will continue to do it to spread smiles throughout the world, even if the smallest thing is done, at least it will provide big benefits for them.

With the support of all parties, we believe that other programs can be realized in various other countries as we did before. All that is needed is sensitivity and seeing with conscience that there are still many parts of the world that need our helping hand.

Let's see how many will support 1% of all accounts would be nice. 🍀❤️

What a heartwarming and inspiring message about the power of simple acts of kindness and generosity. It's truly touching to see how individuals can make a difference in the lives of others, especially those in need. The emphasis on spreading love and positivity on platforms like Steemit is a wonderful reminder of the impact we can have on each other's lives. Let's all take a moment to appreciate the importance of supporting one another and making the world a brighter place. Thank you for sharing this uplifting message!

I now understand what it means to share 10 percent of my post to @worldsmile, I view this project as a kindness to orphanage homies, providing for homeless children and assisting children education. I'll also do my best to support this project by setting small percent of my post here. This is a great project, indeed a generous project.

This is just one of the projects and they help worldwide. So if you have one and need Steem aid you are welcome to ask for support.

Thank you for your kindness, thoughts, caring for those less fortunated. It's all that is needed to make the world smile. We can do that in many ways, at home, overseas, a small gesture lile a smile or chat can work wonders too.

If it comes to setting a beneficiary we never know if our gift end up big or small but it is the thought and end result that counts. Many tiny tips make a big one too.

Thank you for reading and leaving a comment.

Blessings to you.

Well... actually I'm not in a club due to some circumstances, I hope to power up as soon as I stand in my feet. Thanks for replying back. Good morning from me.

Club or not you can always write and join the freewriters see @freewritehouse.
@ italygame hosts contests too like photochain and story chain and if you like to join a contest do so. Ignore the club thing (there are communities which do not care and even if it is not said you are not read or upvoted!).

You can also post in a different community and still use one of the contest tags. This way you will be read if people use it to read and comment. It's what I do if a contest ended or I like the topic but not all rules set.

Good luck and happy writing

Your perspective on making the world smile through small acts of kindness and compassion is truly inspiring. It is heartening to see your dedication to helping others especially those in need and your belief in the positive impact of community support and empathy.

Thank you for letting me know. If we al care about a few people the world will be a better place. Together we can create a domino effect.


Thank you very much for publishing your post in Steem For Betterlife Community

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Masya Allah ternyata masih banyak orang baik di dunia ini, yang masih peduli dengan sesama. Saya bangga menjadi bagian dari steemit walau sempat vakum karena masalah pribadi dan mengurus anak², tapi sekarang saya sudah kembali aktif dan saya juga baru tau tentang worldsmile ini, Alhamdulillah saya sudah mulai tau cara berbagi dengan dunia dan in sya Allah akan terus saya lakukan. Tetap semangat orang-orang baik. Semoga Allah terus memberkati kebaikan orang-orang baik semua di dunia ini yang masih peduli dengan sesama.

Selamat datang kembali. Tidak perlu dijelaskan lagi bahwa kita semua memiliki periode dalam hidup kita yang harus kita tentukan prioritasnya.
Saya harap Anda akan bersenang-senang di Steemit dan baik-baik saja.
Berkah untuk Anda.

Terimakasih dukungan nya dan saya akan melakukan yang terbaik.

Saya berharap dapat membaca Anda lagi. Jangan terlalu khawatir. Empat postingan per minggu membuat Anda menjadi Steemian yang aktif. Jika Anda menulis seperti Anda berbicara dengan seorang teman, Anda akan dibaca.

Baik, saya akan berusaha memberikan postingan terbaik saya minimal empat postingan setiap Minggu pasti ada, walau itu hanya cerita keseharian saya saja.
Terimakasih dukungannya @wakeupkitty dan terimakasih sudah mau membaca postingan saya🤗


Jika Anda mau, Anda bisa mengikuti kontes saya.
Ada di komunitas baru knacks4buzz untuk hiburan dan kreativitas.

Apa yang harus Anda lakukan adalah berbagi postingan dengan topik "Monster" Anda harus memikirkan sesuatu yang lucu.
Anda dapat berbagi video, lagu, foto, tulisan atau apa pun yang Anda suka.

Jika Anda bergabung jangan lupa untuk membaca dan memberi komentar pada 3 orang lainnya.
Akhir pekan yang menyenangkan untuk Anda.



Terimakasih @wakeupkitty, saya akan mencobanya

Your words capture the essence of simplicity and the power of a smile. It is the little gestures and basic comforts that can truly make a difference in someones life. The idea of bringing smiles through small acts of kindness and recognition is beautiful.

It is if it's noticef. No matter how small it should not taken for granted.

Thank you for leaving a nice through thought comment behind.

A great day to you.

The easy ones might be be the kindest ones but here we have @wakeupkitty the one they wanted to control but no, she got a mind of her own, call her stubborn but you can never call her mean or a heartless person. Always actively ready to make the world smile in her beautiful big ways, thank you Wkitty for all you do💜🩷❤️💕💕💕💕💕

What if it's action x reaction?
Long or short: thank you for your sweet words, you will always have my support.
I miss you.

You're a pretty great person. That has to be said ;-))

In all the touches I've had with Steem for Betterlife and @worldsmile so far, I've been blown away by the effectiveness and spontaneity of the help provided. Whether it was solar panels in Nigeria or whiteboards for South African schools - help is given here. In this respect, you're running into open doors ;-))